Ch. 4

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Sorry this chapter's so short.
Running on like 4 hours of sleep, it's 1:40 AM, and my brain's been dead the entire day lmao--
I'm running on empty 😫
Send sleep--
Also apologies if chapter is weird (as per usual).
Lack of sleep again lmao--
I'm struggling a bit.
Maybe it'll be better after a good night's sleep.
Austere doesn't know how to take care of themselves, what's new lol.
I need a Rouge to take care of me.

All that aside, my best friend + a commentor had me on the floor, absolutely rolling.
My_Beautiful_Harem with this glorious comment:
Oh my God I was talking to my sister about this chapter as I was reading and she said "I can just imagine Shadow saying to Mephiles 'Your daughter calls me daddy too'" MY SIDES ARE IN ORBIT
And then my best friend ( hits me with this
panel one: reader asking "can u pass the salt daddy"
panel two: both mephiles and shadow reach for the salt
panel three: mephiles and shadow make eye contact and pause
panel four: shadow's funeral

I absolutely lost it lmao--
Anyway, I've rambled long enough.
Thank you for reading hahaha.


After another successful day at work, you returned home with Rouge, satisfied with what you'd gotten done.

It'd been a fair few days since Shadow had eaten your food, though you still worried for him.

Was he eating regularly?

Was he eating healthy?

You knew Rouge had been guilty of eating a lot of takeaway before she met you, so maybe he was too?

... Oh!

What if you made him lunch too?

You had more than enough stuff at home to make an extra lunch.


Imagine Shadow's surprise when you presented him with a lunch the next day.

Initially, he just stared, unsure of what exactly what you were doing, until it hit him.

"You made a lunch for me?" He asked, to which you nodded happily.


It took a few seconds, however he did eventually accept it, which seemed to bring you great joy.

He'd eat well!

You'd poured a lot of care into that lunch, as you did with everything else, but just a bit extra had gone into it.

He watched as you walked off, waving to him, silent.

He legitimately worried he'd retch just looking at the food, so went to his office to hide, just in case.

But again, he found he had no negative reaction to it, and he actually ate the entire thing, baffled.

What was different about your cooking that made it edible?

He had no idea.

Putting the empty container away for now, Shadow sat at his desk, his eyes on the ceiling.


He couldn't spend all day thinking about it.

He had a job to do.

Torn (Shadow x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now