Chapter 6- The Highschool Reunion

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"Because I think you need a day off. When was the last time you had a day off?"

"I don't know, Christmas?"

"Exactly, and that was a year ago. We're in November right now, Boss," I turned to look at the calendar just to make sure he wasn't pulling my leg, and low and behold, he was right. 

Oh. I guess I was more of a workaholic than I thought.

"Okay, I said I'm going, so I'll go. Clear my schedule for that day and inform the tailor that I'll need a fitted suit. Like the black one he made a few weeks ago, but I want it in royal blue," He nodded, typing away on the iPad before he left without another word, pushing me to start working harder as I was reminded that I only had a week left before the upcoming reunion.

And unfortunately, that week flashed by in an instant as the day came forward. 

I spent the morning, and most of the afternoon, completing as much work as I could, until Carlos rushed over to tell me that I only had an hour to get ready, I don't understand what he was worrying about since an hour was more than enough time to get ready, but apparently not.

And now I sat at the back of my Rolls Royce as we drove to my high school. 

I was dressed in my blue suit with a matching tie, and a long black topcoat hanging over my shoulders, my favourite Rolex watch strapped around my wrist, and my neck-length hair styled back neatly as it usually was when I had any appointments to go to. 

"We've arrived, sir," Tom, the driver, spoke as I nodded, stepping out of the car as he opened the door for me. I walked forward, fixing my gold cufflinks while simultaneously ignoring all the curious eyes that turned to look at me as I made my way straight to the school building.

"Goodness me, is that Marcos?" The headteacher stood at the entrance of the building as she greeted everyone, and a reminiscent smile crawled up to my lips when I saw her.

"I see you remember me, Mrs Crawford. How have you been?" I greeted, taking her hand in mine as I kissed her wrinkled knuckles.

"I see you're the same charmer as you've always been. I've been lovely, thank you for asking. What of you? I see you've become quite the businessman," She bashfully giggled like a young teenager as I chuckled with her.

"I have my ancestors to thank for that," I shrugged, shoving my hands into my pockets as she smiled, stepping to the side before gesturing for me to go inside.

"Well, I hope you have a lovely evening. You were quite popular in your high school days, so you'll be here for a while if you try to catch up with all of them," I didn't plan to catch up with all of them, maybe just a few, but she didn't need to know that.

I walked passed her with a slight nod as I entered the building, taking my time as I looked around the familiar hallways, and I even caught a few pictures of my younger self hanging on the walls with some friends at the time.

Perhaps Carlos was right, it's nice to take a single day off to go down memory lane.

I entered the main assembly hall after shoving my coat into one of the open lockers, having to remind myself that I went to a public school and not a private one where the facilities where of much higher quality. My parents wanted me to grow up with a normal childhood, and while I never understood them, I respected them.

I went over to the dessert table where I picked up a cheap glass of punch, took a sip, and then dumped it right into the bin as if it were waiting for me to do that. Right, I almost forgot about how bad the menu was in this school, Dahlia and I used to always make jokes about it.

The Indifference of a Man Forgotten (BOOK I)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon