The Perfect Dream

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Danielle's POV (Point Of View)

It was the first day of our Autumn Holidays and i was packing for camp which was the next day. He came over to see how I was doing and that's when it happened, it felt as though the hole world had fallen apart, his new girlfriend walked in the door. "Hi Danielle, this is Jordan"

It would have been fine but then she spoke, "This is the girl you were telling me about, she's the one you liked for seven years"

"She wasn't meant to know that" He whispers into her ear, whilst shyly blushing.

"Oh nah it's ok I don't mind" I said with a shy smile, "So what brings you over here?"

"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to come to the movies with us, but I guess you are busy"

"Yeah I am", I replied, as he walked out the door.

"What was that about?" my mother asks

"Oh that, that was Jayden's new girlfriend"

"No I mean you not going with them"

"Mum you could tell they didn't want me to go, I mean neither of them did. They were quiet happy being by them selves."

"Well suit your self, I'm going out for a couple hours ok?"

"Ok mum"

It was ok that she was going out but I was all alone, no one else was home, I had the hole house to my self and yet the only thing I could think of doing was sleep. So I went up stairs and fell into my bed. Within five minutes I was out cold.

"Danielle, Jayden's back and it's almost time for you to go" My mother shouted

"I'll be right there" I say as I run down the stairs

"Hey again" he says as I'm running down "So how are you today?" He asks

"Good..." I say as I look to see if she's still with him "Where's Jordan?"

"Oh her dad picked her up from the movies, umm so do you want to go for a walk?"

"With you?"

"Well yeah, I think we need to talk"

"Umm ok, MUM CAN I GO FOR A WALK WITH JAYDEN?" I shouted across the room

"yeah that's fine sweetie" my mother shouts back

"I'll be back around 5"

"ok honey, I love you but don't be back any later"

"Ok mum bye"

After five very long minutes passed, I decided it was time to break the silence, "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked, although feeling as though I didn't want to know the answer.

"Well seen as your my best friend and all, I wanted to know what you thought of her?"

"Well she blurted out that you liked me for most of your life pretty quickly" I said awkwardly, knowing that he didn't anymore.

"Well that's not entirely true" he paused for a second and said the words that I never wanted to hear "I still kind of like you" saying it as awkwardly, and so quietly as though I wasn't meant to hear it, as I asked.

"Umm you what?" I said in a surprised but your kidding right kind of way "You go out with a girl that is obesly head over heels in love with you, and you just go proclaiming your love for another girl. What are you thinking?"

"I was umm..."

"You know what" I replied in the worst tone possible "I give up. You can't just do that, so I will forget you ever said that if you just don't mention It again" saying the last part as I started to walk away, but suddenly stopped when I felt a warm strong hand on my arm.

"But what if I don't want you to forget?" as soon as he said this I turned around to see him sad and shyly looking at the ground, but looked up when he noticed I had suddenly turned around. He smiled awkwardly and then the next thing I knew our lips were touching. It only took me a second to realise what was going on, and I shut my eyes to let it continue.

After that I woke up and a tear dropped from my eye as I realised it was only a dream, but was then happy again soon after by the sound of his voice coming from the kitchen. I quickly got changed and ready so I could see him right away.

I saw him smiling as he saw me running down the stairs to greet him "Hello gorgeous" he said with a wink, my mum and I just laughed as he pulled me in for a hug (as he normally does in the morning). And he then surprised me by whispering in my ear "come we have to get going" he said with a smirk on his face, which made me more confused then before. I knew he could tell which just made him smile more as he dragged me out the door, at which my mother just couldn't stop laughing at.

"What is this abou..." but before I could say another word he just pulled me in for another hug, just this time for longer then before, and with a small gentle kiss on the cheek. "what?" I said as soon as I felt his lips touch leaving my cheek in a tingly, hot flame.

He started to smirk as he said "Come on or we'll be late"

"Late?" I said in a confused and super surprised voice "Late for what exactly?"

"Don't you remember?"


"Come on you weren't that tired last night were you?" he said with a smirk and his amazing smile that I have always loved.

"Umm I'm really really sorry Jayden, but I cant remember anything other then you and 'Her' coming around" I said awkwardly, not really understanding what on earth was going on any more.

"Oh, so you don't even remember us breaking up?" he said with a slight smirk while lifting an eye brow.

"You two broke up already?!" I was so surprised, I mean don't get me wrong I was happy it was over, but they had only started dating three days earlier.

"Well that doesn't matter anymore, its over and now we're going out" I guess he saw me steering so he must of felt he had to explain what it was that he meant by it "Oh umm..." he paused and blushed for a second "Sorry I meant we have to get going, to the umm thing we talked about last night"

"Oh come on you know that I don't know what your talking about please just tell me?"

"Well I guess you'll just have to wait and see" he said with a smirk, and a knowing look, "come on, get in" as he opened the door to his new red convertible.

"wow wait... this is yours?"

"No don't be silly Danny I want you to get into a strangers car" he said with a wink "don't worry Danielle he's perfectly fine you can even ask him when he wakes up"

"Jayden that's not funny!" I said half scared, because I thought he might of been serious. I mean he has done some pretty bad stuff over the years, like when he just so happened to reveres into the principle's car and then blamed it on the new kid called Timmy. Or when he stole a gun from his dads top draw and started to shoot peoples windows at 5:30 in the morning, then called the cops to say that there was a man outside with a gun shooting people.

"come on are you coming or not?" he said almost knowing I would say yes.

"fine, but If I find out anything about a missing convertible I'm calling the cops and saying it was you" I warned in a playful voice.

"hahaha ok, hop in"

I hopped in the car, and not soon later I was met by Jayden jumping into the drivers seat.

"wait!" I almost screamed "don't you only have your restricted licence?"

Jayden didn't take much notice of this and started the car "buckle up" he said as he drove off.



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