Chapter 1

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***1 Month Later***

Gabriella just woke up know she doesnt have anything to do today, so she calls her boyfriend Mario AKA Rio.

Wassup Ma?... Rio said answering on the forth ring

Hey babe!, Whatcha doing today? she replied

Nothing much, Why you wanna do something? Rio replied chuckling

YASS Im bored, Lets go to the mall, I want some new clothes... She replied getting all excited

Ight, Im on my way be there in a hour. Rio said before hanging up

Filled with excitement she jumped out of her bed running to the bathroom where she took a fifteen minute shower, and brushed her teeth. After she was done in the bathroom she went to her closet and searched for something to wear, After ten minutes of looking she decided to wear her Levis blue jeans, Her blue polo shirt, and her white ones. after getting dressed she decided to wear her hair straight wearing her blue whatever hat.

Gabriella's phone lit up, It was a text from Rio-

Bae💜💍- Im outside�💑💜

Hey babe Gabriella says getting into the car pecking Rio's lips

Wassup...he replied pulling off

The whole way there they laughed and talked. after parking the car the went into the mall. Gabriella acted like a little kid running everywhere getting everything she wanted.

I'm hungry she said to Rio while they were walking around the mall

Ight what chu want Ma? Rio asked

I some pizza she replied

Without hesitation they walked to the food court and ordered Gabriella a slice of cheese pizza, grape soda and 2 bags of chips, and for himself, he ordered a sandwich and a sprite.

They chose a place to sit and ate their food. Then a girl walked up and slapped Rio in the face.

Rio are you kidding me!? she said yelling

Gabriella got up to ask who she was.

Im his girlfriend Vanessa, Who TF are you?

Without answering her question. Gabriella took her drink and threw it in Rio's face, Then getting her bags and walked away shedding a couple of tears. she didn't have a way to get home so she called her stepfather Chris.

Yes Gabrie He asked, answering on the first ring

I need you t come get me she said letting out a quiet sob

sure, Where are you? he asked

I'm at Orland mall she replied

Alright Ill be there in thirty minutes he said ending the call

after thirty minutes of waiting Chris pulls up in his 2014 BMW SUV getting in Chris pulls off.

What happened? Chris asked

I spent 2 yeas with a lying bastard, that's what happened she said crying

it was a silent ride home after that only thing you could hear is the radio

Sorry its so short guys😢

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