Roosevelt High School Dance

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"Thank you for letting me get ready here, guys!" April said walking with the turtles into the lair. 

"It's no problem. Here you have all the room to put your things down and look your best for this dance thing." Raph responded grabbing chompy from the arcade machine, greeting him after an afternoon away. "Man, sometimes it sucks being a turtle. School sounds like so much fun. Especially all the fuctions and dances you get to go to." Mikey complained. Tonight was the night. Roosevelt High was having their first dance of the year. April was going though she didn't have a date, she had friends to join her once she arrived. "What is a school dance like?" Leo asked with curiosity. "Well" April applied blush "Its an event where kids at the school come together and eat food and dance to music played by a hired DJ. Normally people go and find dates, but I wasnt asked so I'm going alone." She sighed. 

Mikey looked at Donnie and grinned mischievously. "Oh no, if only there was a way you could ask April to her dance, Donnie." Donnie gave Mikey a frustrated look. Clearly, he already had a plan. "As a matter of fact, Mikey. Ive been working on an invention that should give us the ability to appear human for up to 24 hours.  Donnie dragged Mikey to his lab. "This was going to be meant for combat as villians these days no longer wait until the sunsets to unleash their plans, but I guess this would be the perfect way to test it out. "Oh, oh Donnie do me first, PLEASE!!!!!!!!" Mikey begged and gave deep puppy eyes. "Alright fine. St-" "What are you guys doing?" Leo and Raph poked their heads in to see Donnie next to a strange chamber and Mikey giggling inside it. "Donnie was just about to test out his new humanizer invention!" Mikey squealed. "Humanizer? Donnie, theres no reason for this. We're ninjas!" Leo retorted. "I know. I made this so we can go to the surface any time of day when we are needed. But I need to test it out." Raph groaned. "Basically he wants to go to the dance with April." Leo rolled his eyes at Donnie. "Come ON Donnie! I don't want to wait any longer." Donnie cleared his throat and pressed a button.  The machine began making noises and smoke filled the inside. Mikey screamed and once the machine opened up the other three stood there in anticipation. "Donnie, what did you do to Mikey?" Donnie frantically looked around the smoke. "Nothing, he should be out by now..." within a few minutes Mikey walked out of the chamber. He had blonde hair, an orange short sleeved shirt, and shorts on. He was human, it worked! "Whoa dudes! look at me! I look super cool. Five fingers and five toes on each hand. Dude this is AWESOME!!!" Donnie and the other two were shocked. They decided to give it a try themselves. Donnie came out with brown hair, and a purple polo and jeans. Raph walked out with Red hair, a short sleeve red shirt, and a leather jacket with jeans. Finally, Leo came out with black hair, a blue tank, and cargo shorts. "Intersting. If we do this again, I'm going shopping." Leo said looking indifferent in the mirror. 

"Hey guys, I was wondering if you had-" April walked into Donnies lab and was jaw dropped shocked. "Whoa! What happened to you guys!" Mikey ran to April. "Donnie had a new invention we just tested it out. how sweet is this?" Mikey showed off his new persona. "We only stay this way for up to 24 hours. then we turn back. We can't use it excessively because it could really mess up our DNA. But a once in a while occasion is fine. We need it for emergency before sundown beat downs. But we did need to test it out. "This is awesome guys! you all look fantastic!" April smiled. Mikey yanked on her arm. "So can we go to this dance with you April? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAASSEEEE!!!!!!!!" Mikey begged. April's face lit up. "Of course! That is a great idea, Mikey!" She looked at Donnie and walked up to him fixing his collar on his polo shirt. "Besides, I still need a date." She winked. Donnies face turned bright red. 

"Arent dances supposed to be super formal?" Leo questioned. April shook her head. "No. it's pretty casual. formal dances are for things like prom and homecoming. this is just a back to school dance."  


"This gym is so cool!" Mikey ran in and grabbed the mic from the DJ "What up high school dudes!!!" "Mikey!" April yelled grabbing him from the stage. "You can't do that!" Donnie scolded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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