Chapter One - Freya

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Freya's POV

There's a mutilated body on the screen. You'd think given my history it would be easier for me to get used to but if anything, it hits me worse than my fellow officers. I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of pens scratching and the rich, commanding voice of the Special Agent giving the presentation.

"Madison Briggs is assumed to be Arthur Maxwell's seventh victim."

            'I'm Maddie, what's your name sweetheart?'

Her voice was trembling when she asked me that, her lip swollen and cut.

I grind the tip of my pen into my notebook and open my eyes, forcing myself to focus on the lecture.

The man on stage is tall, Asian, and too damn beautiful to be hunting killers. He strides across the stage. Everything about him is controlled, even the way his hair is neatly coiffed, black silk against khaki toned skin.

He introduced himself as Agent Park, but everyone here already knew who he was. The head of the Serial Crimes Unit or SCU is somewhat of a legend to rookie detectives. He leads a team of three guys which, frankly I think is sexist but there's no denying they are good at their jobs. Right now, he's teaching us about one of the few known serial killers they're yet to catch.

The Cross-Cut Killer, so named because of the crosses cut into his victims' chests.

Agent Park points his laser at the series of small, delicate crosses, like kisses in blood.

"One of the most unusual things about Maxwell's MO is that the number of crosses on his victims vary. His earlier victims didn't have any at all. Madison Briggs is the first." He guides the red dot along the darker, crimson lines. "If you look closely, you'll see the cuts are shallow and slightly jagged at the edges which suggests Maxwell was somewhat hesitant."

"Or that someone else made the cuts." The words are out of my mouth before I can think better of it and Agent Park's stony eyes scan the audience.

I gulp when they land on me. Drawing attention to myself is the last thing I should be doing.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Detective Danvers, Sir."

His gaze stays locked on my face, and I find myself adding, "Freya." The word falls softly from my lips. I try so hard to keep my personal life separate from my professional one but something about Agent Park demands I give him all of me. Maybe that's what makes him such a good hunter.

"What makes you say that, Detective?"

My heart kicks at my ribs. I can't exactly say because I know who made those cuts. My fist tightens around my pen as I search for an explanation.

Always make people feel like they're the ones in control. It will make it all the more delicious when they realise, they're not.

"It's just, you told us earlier that it was only a person's first few kills that were hesitant. The Cross-Cut killer had been slicing throats for years before the crosses started. It doesn't make sense for him to be hesitant with a knife. Does it?"

Agent Park inclines his head. "You're not incorrect but we've profiled Maxwell as needing a high level of control. He wouldn't be capable of working with anyone."

"Not even someone he saw as an apprentice?"

His jaw twitches. "An astute observation but in this case, it's unlikely." He tilts his head. "Though there have been cases of serial killers taking on protégés, inevitably the protégé will need to break free from their teacher's control. The crosses have been a consistent feature of  Maxwell's kills for eleven years now. It would be nigh on impossible to keep another killer under your control for that length of time. Especially whilst on the run."

He's right. I may not be an expert, but I've done my fair share of research into serial killers. A partnership like the one I suggested could never last so long.

Not unless the protégé was a child.

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