Chapter 2: The investigation

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I walked into the Vat19 building. Jamie was waiting at the front door.

"Hello," I said. "I'm the detective you called."

"Oh, thank goodness," Jamie said. "There's been a crime committed. Someone has stolen all of our world's largest gummy worms."

I nodded and took out my notepad. "Lead the way, boss."

Jamie smiled and showed me the way to the warehouse. Sure enough, the shelf labelled "Gummy Worms" was completely empty.

"Strange," I said.

"What is it?" said Jamie.

"None of the other gummies are missing." I continued. "If this was a regular thief he would have probably taken more than just the gummy worms."

Jamie gasped. "You're right. So what do they want them for?"

"I'll have to look around," I said. My eyes scanned around the warehouse. It was huge. I turned back to Jamie. "Is there anyone who can help me?"

Just then, the warehouse doors flung open. Sloane ran in with a camera. She was filming someone. I heard shouting and running, and then Daley followed in after her. She was dressed in a black band tee shirt and ripped skinny jeans and combat boots. Her curly black and pink hair flew behind her as she ran. She was holding something in her hand.

"This is the shock ball!" she shouted. "Can I make a 3 point basket with it before it—OUCH!!—shocks me?!"

Sloane whipped the camera around. Daley wound up and tossed the shock ball into the air. It crackled with electricity as it flew. Almost in slow motion, I watched as it flew threw the air and landed right in the middle of a basketball hoop.

Daley and Sloane cheered and high fived. "And cut!" yelled Sloane.

"What the heck are you two up to now?" Jamie sighed exasperatedly.

"Winning at life," Sloane said. "We just made the best tiktok ever"

"Who's this?" said Daley.

"This is the detective I called," said Jamie.

"How do you do," I said. I shook Daley's hand. She had black nail polish on and a spiky bracelet. On the outside she looked kindof intimidating but when she smiled I could tell that she was really sweet and kind.

"Nice to meet you, detective," she winked. I blushed.

"So who died?" said Sloane.

"Nobody, thankfully," I said. "But all of the world's largest gummy worms have been stolen."

Sloane and Daley turned to look at the shelf and gasped.

"Who could do such a thing?" said Sloane.

"That's what I'm here to find out." I said. "But I'm going to need some help."

Sloane shook her head. "Sorry I can't, I have to help Kyle on break it to make it."

I turned to Daley. "Daley can you help me solve the crime?"

"Yeah I can help," she grinned. "Is that ok Jamie?"

"Sure," he said.

"Yes!" she yelled excitedly, fist pumping into the air. I grinned at her enthusiasmn. "I always wanted to be a detective!"

"It's pretty fun," I said. "But lets get down to business."

"You're right," she said. "OK Sherlock, where do we start?"

Jamie and Sloane left and it was just me and Daley in the warehouse. I cleared my throat, feeling weirdly nervous. She grinned confidently at me, one hand on her hip as she looked around.

"Well, let's start at the beginning," I said. "You're not a suspect, but can you tell me what happened this morning?"

She frowned, looking deep in thought. "Well, I came in to my office as usual. There was nothing out of the ordinary. The other editors Kyle and Daniel were both working, so I don't think they're suspicious."

"That's just it," I said. "Kyle found this note on his desk this morning."

I handed her the note. She looked at it, her eyes widening as she read it. "Who wrote this?" she exclaimed.

"Most likely it was from the criminal," I said.

She ran up to the empty shelf and started looking around. I chuckled and started to help her look. There was nothing there. I was about to give up when Daley shouted, "Check this out!"

I looked up. She was wedged in an awkward position behind the shelf, her black boot sticking up into the air. I had to cover my mouth to hide my laugh. She wiggled out from behind the shelf and handed me a new note. I gasped when I realized it was the exact same handwriting as the first note from Kyle's desk.

It read: "Congrats Detective. You're making progress. But will your mission become hopeless? If you don't find the candy soon, Jamie's precious candy will become worm food."

"It already is worm food," said Daley. I couldn't help my laugh this time.

"Your right." I said. "But there has to be some kind of clue in there."

We were both totally stumped. I couldn't find any meaning in the note, so I said the only thing I could think to do next.

"You wanna help me interview some suspects?" I said.

Daley grinned mischievously. "Is that even a question?"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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