5 - I can't live without you darling

Start from the beginning

"No," he pulled the plate towards him, perhaps to start eating off of his boss' plate, "Never crossed my mind, thinking about that."

Of course, Bobo would agree with Leroy: Lee even suspected that the nature of their relationship was more than just a corrupt pimp and his bodyguard.

"Guy running against me is going door-to-door telling folk I look the other away when it comes to Sandy," Lee pleaded.

Leroy seemed to consider his honesty for a second before sitting upright again.

"Bobo, don't eat my scraps," he scoffed, "Give over the envelope." Leroy sniffed as he counted the bills given to him. He separated a third of them and Lee feared for the worst. He held his hand out to Lee before quickly pulling it away.

"There's debts you owe me," Leroy explained, "What I'm going to lose at the bar."

"Horse shit," Lee retorted, keeping his hand extended, "You ain't losing nothing there."

"Yeah? And you know that 'cause you're a loaded diaper like everyone else who works for me or because all of Meade knows you're dirty?" he rasped. Leroy sniffed again as he placed the notes onto the grimy tablecloth, spitting a large dribble of saliva onto them, "That's your weekly earnings 'til we're square. Now, get the fuck out of my diner."

Lee took the bills, shaking the spit off of them before standing and turning to leave. As he traipsed back down the corridor between the booths and the counter, Leroy spoke once again.

"My bar is off limits and so is your whore sister, you understand? Or else I might have to pay a visit to your little sweetheart", he threatened, "Y/N's her name ain't it. Works at the grocers. She'd be too pretty to kill, probably just make her one of my whores, or better yet, make her keep my bed warm for me."


Ever since Leroy had threatened to visit you, Lee had been almost overwhelmingly protective. At first, it was comforting, you reassured yourself that he was just looking out for you. But then he stopped letting you leave the house without him. You'd had to quit your job at the grocers. You may not have enjoyed working there, but you still needed the money: even with his Sheriff's salary, Lee wouldn't be able to afford the mortgage. Or at least that's what he'd told you. You were blissfully ignorant of his extra income from Leroy and he'd like to keep it that way.

After three weeks of enduring house arrest, you decided enough was enough. A short walk to the grocers would be fine. The cream and sugar had run out that morning, after Lee's usual cup of coffee, and he would be grumpy for the rest of the evening if he came home to a house without it. He'd given up drinking when you'd moved in, painfully aware of how he mirrored his father's actions whilst under the influence, and had replaced it with the almost as addictive substance of sugar. The short journey shouldn't take long; twenty minutes at most. You could be back in the house and Lee wouldn't even realise.

Tieing your coat around your waist, you laced up your boots with such haste that you didn't notice the front door open. Lee walked in, quickly admiring your rear end as you bent down, before realising you were preparing to go outside.

"Where do you think you're going honey?" he asked accusingly.

"We have run out of a few things," you began to explain, "I am just going to the grocers to replace them."

"All right then sweetheart. I'll drive us over and you can buy the things."

"No Lee. I am perfectly capable of walking over by myself."

"Fine, we can walk together."

"You are not listening to me, Lee," your anger over your captivity finally spilling over, "I can go by myself, I do not need you to escort me everywhere."

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