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Friends can be great
They are always involved in our fate
But sometimes things don't go so well
They betray you
Laugh when you fail
Or sometimes they leave you
Don't realize they left for someone new
Someone better
They wouldn't say it in a letter
Since they don't know
All you do is follow
You help with problems
Say it'll be okay
But you stay quiet
Think that maybe you should try it
To be loud and fun
But no
That's for another time

You get called boring
But they don't understand
You have nothing to say
Afraid to intrude
Don't want to force others to include you
You say it's okay because it isn't so bad
But sometimes you wanna cry
Instead you sigh
You'll be fine
You just won't have a bright shine

You don't want to sound jealous
Because you're really not
You think that you have something special with one
But then they do the same with the next

Always wait for them to text
Don't want to be rude
Afraid they won't reply
Scared that they will lie
Do they really like you?

You feel like a jerk sometimes too
Ignoring them
Just walking away
Worried about what you said

You always describe yourself as awkward
But they don't know how bad it is
If you say a name with no response from them
You turn into a lobster
You say something weird or wrong
You're suddenly a crab

Some might say that you worry too much
Or that your just mature for your age
You get nervous when doing things with strangers
Even talking just makes your stomach change

But you're gonna have to learn
To be honest with your friends
They may seem mean
And some may be
But others are forever
Some make you cry
Others help you fly
They will pick you up when you're down
Help remove your frown
They will help you with anything
Even when they're not here
Right away it may not be clear
But soon you will be aware
No matter if they are good or bad
Friends will always be there

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