Don't Get Caught

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A/N: I know some of you guys wanted a part 4 for Late Night Drive, but I just can't think of anything for it. Plus I actually liked the way it ended.

But don't worry, I intend to keep writing;
I'm feeling okay enough to do so at the moment and I'm gonna write as much as I can.

This one has been in my drafts for a while,
but I finally managed to finish it..

Fair warning: Smut.. G!P..
(someone requested that I did more of these, so I gave it a try..)


"Are you sure they won't mind?" I asked as Hailee and I walked up to her front door after our date.

"Of course, why would they mind? They love you," Haiz insisted and unlocked the front door, dragging me inside.

"I just don't want to intrude. I'm here all the time, I don't want them to get sick of me," I said and hung my jacket by the door and placed my shoes on the shoe rack.

"Babe, you need to stop worrying so much," Hailee smiled and placed a soft kiss on my cheek, "Now, come on."

The brunette led me into the kitchen, where her mom, Cheri, was in the middle of putting some clean dishes away.

"Hi mom," Hailee said with a smile, making Cheri look up from what she was doing.

"Oh hey, kids, how was dinner?" The mother asked with a smile.

"It was great up until the point where Niall and his buddies showed up," My girlfriend groaned, annoyed, "They caused a major racket as per usual, and Antonio tried his best to get them to leave in a peaceful manner, but guess what Horan did."

"I don't dare," Cheri sighed, knowing full well how Niall usually acted, "what did he do?"

"He flipped Antonio's tray out of his hands, so that he got covered in all the soda that was on the tray," Haiz replied, making the mother go wide eyed, "Then the manager came out and tossed the boys out."

"I feel genuinely sorry for his parents," Cheri shook her head, "then what happened?"

"Well, Antonio of course got to go home for the night, while someone else covered his shift. The manager called the guys' parents and told them what happened, so they'll most likely get their asses kicked when they get home," Hailee explained.

"They better," Cheri agreed, "So, is this why you're home early?"

"Yeah," Hailee nodded, "We just finished eating and paid, before getting out of there. We had talked about going to the movies, but we figured we could just watch a movie here, if that's okay."

"Of course," The mother smiled, "We just finished dinner not so long ago, so we'll be upstairs if you need anything."

"Thank you, mom," Hailee returned her smile.

"No need to thank me, honey," Cheri said, still with that warm smile on her face.


"Mamma Mia, again? Really?" I whined and threw my head back against the couch, as Hailee pressed play on the movie.

"Yes, really," The brunette grinned and rested her head on my shoulder, "come on, it's a great movie and I want cuddles, so stop complaining."

"Okay, okay, but I'm picking next time," I pouted and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer, while she wrapped a blanket around us.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now