Zane run to the cave and when he was at the entry he stopped and catch his breath. He then turned to the creature that was still chasing him. Just a meter from Zane, the creature throw itself towards him. Zane had expected that and so, he dove out of the way just in time. He could see how the creature turned to see him when he dodged the attack before crashing with the entrance.

The entrance collapsed and captured the creature in it. Zane took a moment to breath and process all that had just happened. Suddenly he felt how the creature fought against the giants rocks to escape. Zane crowled backwards to create some distance between him and the cave. He knew that wouldn't stop it for long, so he went to look for Cole.

Soon, he was back to where he had found Cole before. He was still under the big branch trying to move it.

"Cole!" Zane said then, rushing to his trapped friend.

"Zane! You're alive!" Cole said, once Zane got closer he noticed that it wasn't just a big branch but multiple that hold Cole captive. No wonder he couldn't escape.

"Okey, I'll try to move the branches in the other side while you try to move the one over you" Zane said

"Thanks buddy" Cole said, he just had one arm out while the rest of him was stuck under the branches. How had he even ended there? It didn't matter at the moment.

"Don't thank me yet" Zane said. They both tried to move the branches but with no results. They were stuck between them, so they couldn't move them easily. Right now Jay could be very helpful. Speaking of him, where was he? He should be here now. But then again, he didn't know where exactly Zane and Cole were. He might be still looking for them right now.

Just then a light came up pointing at them.

"Jay" Zane asked while covering his eyes from the unexpected light


A boy with brown hair was holding up his phone with the flash on. Besides him was a black-haired girl and to the other side a blond boy. Zane recognized these people. They were on his school. And the girl, Nya, she was Jay's crush. So, he knew at least something of them. Her brother was the brown-haired boy, Kai, and the blonde guy was Lloyd.

"Are you okay?" Nya asked Cole

"um- yeah, just stuck" Cole said from the floor

"How did you ended up there?" Lloyd asked. Cole gave a look at Zane, he didn't know if they should tell them. Zane wasn't sure himself but though it would be best not to.

"That's a long story" Zane answered trying to change the subject "Perhaps you can help get my friend out?"

"Sure" The brown-haired boy said. He turned off his phone and putted it into his pocket. The three of them went to where Zane and Cole were and took a branch each.

"Okay, at three" Zane said. "one, two, three!" They all started pushing the branches and could actually move them a little. That was enough since Cole could free himself and started to get out. The boy in red, Kai, helped him out before they let go of the branches

"Thanks" Cole said once he was free and up.

"How did you got stuck there?" Kai asked him again.

Cole looked at him nervously and chuckled. He turned to see face Zane but he didn't know what to say

"Um- well.." Cole started but was interrupted by a large crash from rocks.

"What was that?" Lloyd asked. His voice was shaky. Clearly he was scared of whatever made the sound. The red haired boy walked over to him.

"Hey, don't worry" he said.

"I think it would be best to worry. We must hide quickly!" Zane ordered as he and Cole started to take the other guys with them to hide behind rocks and the branches that once trapped Cole.

"What? Why?" The girl asked. She was hiding behind the branches with Kai and Zane. Cole had took Lloyd and hide behind a big rock nearby.

"no time to explain" He said. But as he finished, they all could feel the earth beneath them trembling. Like giant footsteps.

"Don't make a sound" Zane said quietly.

Soon enough they all saw how a giant figure of the creature that Cole and Zane had saw, appeared from the shadows. It was the double of what it had been. But how? That was when Zane was really shocked. Worried started to spread all across his body. Cold filled his body at the image he had in front of him. He had been focus on helping Cole and with these guys that he had forgotten about the creature, it sure had freed itself long ago. Why hadn't it went after Zane and Cole again? The answer was right in font of them now. Literally.

In front of him and between the rock where Cole and Lloyd hide stood Jay, he was backing away from the creature slowly. He then spotted both of his friend. Zane just shocked his head in no. Right now there wasn't much they could do. The thing was, who was going to do the first move?

The Call of HomeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz