It's just two hour for the wedding rituals but still groom is missing. I don't know why these boys taking so much time like girls....!" Aanya said while taking her mobile out. She dialled Ishan's number.

"Hello....!" after ringing for a while he picked the call. Aanya straight away jumped on the point. She asked him when they will be here.

"Aanya we are almost ready, I will call you later when we will leave.....!" Ishan replied, his tone wasn't as relaxed as it should be. May be being a close friend of a groom isn't that easy. I smiled feeling how all these boys are beside him when he have no blood relation with any one of them. Same like me, but at least I have baba.

"Hey beautiful ladies, I'm here.....!" we both turned towards the door to find Riya with bouquet of red roses in her hands. She was wearing golden dress and looking amazing.

"Always late.....!" Aanya teased her, and Riya just rolled her eyes. Typical reaction. I stood up from the stool and she gave me flowers. I laughed looking at her pouting lips. Riya engulfed me into her arms. For a minute I felt if she didn't break the hug I'm gonna die all breathless. As she made me free from her arms I huffed out lots of air.

"Sorry, it's just I'm gonna miss you. Without you hostel life won't be like before.....!" she smiled sheepishly. Her eyes making me more sad that I would shift with Abhi at his apartment. I placed flowers at dressing table. Riya hugged me once again But this time it was comforting and reassuring and it is exactly what I needed.

"Don't worry you both will see each other every day. Remember you are class fellows...." Aanya spoke cheerfully. Making both of us smile.

"Aanya and Riya I need both of you for some arrangements. Baraat is here. Dinner have been served already. Come and Nandni, sweetheart you want something to eat.....!" Mrs Diya asked me but I refused her offer kindly with sweet thanks. My make up artist strictly asked me to eat whatever I want to, before she could start her paint over my face. So I had few bits forcefully when I had lost my appetite already.

As time was coming closer I was feeling more anxious. I was trying to push my negative thoughts away but still I felt like something bad going to happen. May be because I'm getting married and every bride feels the same way so I just simply tried to shrug it off.


I felt my throat getting dry like I didnt drink any thing since days. Pouring some water into glass I walked off a little further towards the huge window. Looking at street lights in the darkness, everything was quiet and calm. This was exactly I needed at the moment.

I felt I need to gather my nervous self for the up coming events. I couldnt help from thinking about Manik. Why he is so mysterious. Did he behave same way with every one outside of his family or it's just me. Why he hates me so much. And why the hell I'm thinking about him.

Suddenly someone entered in my room. First I thought it might be Riya but heaviness in those steps weren't like hers. I swallowed thick lump in my throat when familiar scent hit my nose. I can recognise that scent even when I would be dead and buried six feet under the ground. I didn't want to turn around and face him. Why the heck he came in my room.

"Damn....!" Manik cursed under his breath. I clenched my fists around the glass at front of My stomach to keep it from falling down. I didn't bother to turn around and face him. Because I knew if I did I will lose my patience.

"Why are you here....!" for once I tried to keep my tone calm but shrills of irritation weren't hidden. He didn't reply. If his scent wouldn't have presented in the air, I could have though he was gone already.

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