Hisoka uses his bungee gum to carefully sling food onto our plates and I smile, as a bit splashes onto Illumi's face. Illumi scowls and looks to Hisoka, saying "that was intentionional, Hisoka." Hisoka's trademark smirk widens and he winks. I can't help but beam, strengthening my nen that floats about in the house, sustaining our glittering lights and the occasional dolphin.

"Papa Hisoka made what I asked for! Lobster and Mac n cheese... and broccolini because I'm HEALTHY! Right Pappa? Mom said I'm..." he tapers off, jumping into his seat between myslef and Illumi. Hisoka says nothing, his expression neutral. "Indeed. You are..." Illumi begins speaking yet his gaze shifts from his son to me. I am found again in the depths of his black eyes, relishing his tone as he whispers "Beautiful" he finishes breathlessly. "Oh will you two need more picnic time again?" I feel amusement rise in my chest as I drop my fork. "Love try my food, you too baby boy." Illumi however was preoccupied, "what- picnic?" His son blathers on and says " when mommy and dad look at each other like that, I can clearly see- it's picnic time! I begged Pappa Hisoka to play with me..." Hisoka chuckles and twirls about in the kitchen as he mocks "well mommy and papa have had so much picnic time together- but never got a chance! Where's my picnic with mommy hm? Picnic with mommy and Papa".

Our son shakes his head in disapproval, thrown  his little sword behind him, as it stuck into the wall. Finally once Hisoka sits down we begin to eat. Our son mumbled a prayer and then  gapes with food in his mouth, his mouth curves into a huge smile as he raves, "this food is positively delicious! Yum! Papa Hisoka deserves picnic time with mommy! Daddy I think you need to give mommy more time with Pappa Hisoka!" Illumi exhaled, patting his sons forehead as he whispered, "do you have a fever?" I chuckled and said softly, rubbing my feet against Illumi's legs under the table. "Because it seems your judgment is askew" Illumi finishes.

So be it, special picnic time between the two of you. I'll show my special prince how to properly paint. Far better than Pappa Hisoka." Illumi's aura enveloped me, still and calm yet a endless sea lurking beneath. I embraced it all and whispered, "You can join us." He blushed and said, "perhaps". Hisoka now whined, but only for a moment.

I chuckle, looking out at the soft foaming waves beyond our house. Illumi agreed that Hisoka and I will have children but he has to 'supervise' all acts of consummation.

We know what that means.

I smile, turning to Hisoka, his golden eyes reflecting the sun. "Come here, little one" I call out to my and Illumi's child, not breaking eye contact with my best friend. "Yes come out with your family" Hisoka repeats, still holding my gaze. "Hmmm" Illumi says, humming in agreement. He says nothing yet the slow pulse aura, transited through the heavy humid air comforts all of us; Hisoka groaning. I break my gaze away from Hisoka, feeling an immense sense of fulfillment as I hug illumi. Hisoka rolls his eyes in annoyance, and pulls both our boy into the hug, and we all grin. Well Hisoka grins, Illumi smiles, I giggle, and so does my precious little boy. "Mama! Papas, when does Auntie Elaine and her new red headed girlfriend come over? I... i want to keep showing everyone what my papas taught me. Variety of skills! I have a great variety!" he begins, smashed in between our bodies; gesturing wildly, his eyebrows high his big eyes alight with joy, his sloped nose twitching. "So articulate for someone so young. You're my pride, and your mother is my joy. So I have my pride and joy. And of course what would we do without Pappa Hisoka" Illumi says, being the first to break out of our hug; so he can kneel down before our son. "I adore my family!" Our son declares, wildly waving his wooden sword he somehow clung to this entire time.

Hisoka begins to cry as he hugs me from behind, saying absolutely nothing. I smile, savoring the thick soft beauty of his fluorescent bungee gum on me, mingling with Illumi's grounding aura- and Teh e glittering sight of my beautiful amazing son. "We'll of course. Our boy is so skilled at swordsmanship, and loving his family." Our boy's tanned skin flushed with a blush, his short, surprisingly brown hair shines against the warm glow of the setting sun. "Mama said that... she will take us on a picnic today." His eyes, black like Illumi's, shine with pride and excitement. "You smile just like your mother" Illumi's hair, shoulder length now, sways in the breeze as he holds my hand with one hand, and caresses our son with the other. "Did she?" I hastily clarify, " a real, picnic... not a special nighttime picnic" i say, pulling Illumi into a hug, craving his warmth. He smiles and pushes his body into mine. "We'll of course" he murmurs. "I don't want to see you all kiss right now. It always takes too long then you all want to have a picnic which takes too long!" He gently tugs on my pant leg as he looks up at me, his  tanned skin,, big eyes and cute freckles make him seem just adorable. Picking him up with a conjured breeze, I kiss his forehead and say adamantly, "well we love you so much! We can do whatever you want!" He smiles.

"We ahould all desire to go consume food then play on the beach!" he says, looking from me then to Illumi and Hisoka. "Do you all love each other?" Illumi nodded and said quickly and resolutely "absolutely, and our love combined means you receive the most lovely love any child has ever received. Understand, my boy? My sweet boy" Illumi's voice softness as he takes our son into his arms. "That's right" Hisoka whispers.  I nod, feeling tears well up in my eyes blurring my vision of the magnificent sight before me. The golden glow of the setting sun casts a rainbow, mingling with the glinting rays of my nen to produce fractals of glinting scintillas of light. Our hearts connect, through nen- though our son dosent know nen quite yet. Still he feels it; just like we feel the effects of the weathe Ron our mood, or feng Shuei on the layout of a house.

"I love you and your mother more than anything in the world....Hisoka too" he Illumi murmurs, poking our son in an attempt to be playfl. connects with us through our time spent together, and the words we share. Still, we are all bathed and United by the the warm sea air, the seashells strewn about on our porch; the unrelenting sun as it releazses hot arms, waving against the raging sun

. "Let's.,. Let's walk on the beach" our son whispers, clinging to his dad's neck. "You two find wonderful seashells for us" Hisoka says with a smile. Illumi's brow arched but he said nothing as ge walked down and onto the beach.

Hisoka turned to me, his eyes glinting with unyielding love. "Let's have a picnic" he whispers, holding me tightly, pulling me into his body. I caress him, holding his thick muscled form against me, relaxing he's grown just a bit softer than before. "Moshi moshi yes May I speak to the typical  Hisoka? The one who refuses to have sex unless Illumi says it's okay? Change of heart?" He rolls his eyes and says, "well it's my turn now". My heart is full. His twinkling golden eyes against the backdrop of Illumi's dark whirlpools, twinkling with the lights out our new family.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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