Running <3

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Remy runs after you, slowly catching up to you.

"Sweet fur... Please, I'm sorry for coming on so strong. I-I...I just..."

You both come to a slow stop. You catch your breath as he slowly approaches you. His soft fur brushing in the wind. 

"You what?" You say with a grudging tone, hoping for a second that he would say the three words.

"I... I like having another Rat around that isn't like the others" He says

You feel defeated but also have a little bit of sorror. 

"I'm sorry for running away Remy," You say. Tears streaming down your face. "I hope you'll forgive me for running away".

He holds you in his arms. The warm sensation coming from his grip calms you and the tears slowly come to a stop. He holds you under a street light. The street light flickering above you. Normally that would annoy you but tonight you don't care. You only care about Remy.

Remy x rat readerWhere stories live. Discover now