Q!AU When they fall in love with you

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The Kim family has ruled the kingdom for generations, and now, the future the Queen of the kingdom was learning the basic manners and how to behave as a royal, plus other classes in diplomacy, economy and war tactics.

Jisoo, the heir the throne, was around fourteen years old at the time and for a royal, she had an eccentric personality. You could sometimes see her walking through the halls with a jar full of water on her head or talking to the flowers in a baby tone, something her parents didn't like that much but allowed it anyways since she only did inside the castle ground where no one could see her. Apart from that, she was like any other princess, with the only exception that her personal servant had been dismissed since they were stealing jewelry and other luxury items from the royal family in general.

As a result, a search had been conducted to find an appropriate servant for the kingdom's princess without any result so far. Her parents wanted someone young but capable and experienced, so that they could remain as a servant for a long time and aid Jisoo in case she needed t, any time she wanted; but per the king's request, there was an additional requirement, they needed a good background, so that meant that the candidates could not have any bad fame to them, even if it was just rumors; if it was heard of acts of thievery, awful pride, excessive ambitions between other similar cases, the candidate would be rejected.

So, every candidate that had been considered was deemed incompetent, up until one day, the queen came up with someone.

"Jisoo, meet (Y/N)" The moment Jisoo laid eyes on you, her eyes shone in amazement. She had seen you before, but not this close.

She knew of you, you were the chef's child and you were sometimes helping in the kitchen. Jisoo was actually curious about you, she heard you were her age and thought maybe you could be friends, but when you stood up in front of her, with a gentle smile while wearing the servant's clothes, things changed.

You seemed kind, energetic, a perfect contrast for the serious environment in the castle with the plus that you were attractive, and while Jisoo didn't understand her feelings, she knew she wanted to get close to you; and while you were in fact, her age, and lacked training and matureness needed for a royal servant, she was ready to accept you as her personal servant as soon as she was asked...

...And she did.


War is never ideal, there were no good or bad sides, just nations with opposite interest that decide to send their young generation to die. Jennie understood this and was glad that her highest ranking general did so too. That meant that you would not take unnecessary losses and also heavily prosecuted any of your soldiers that dare act cruel or unnecessarily violent in these times of war. Although, granted, you were playing a defensive war after your neighbor decided your lands were worth the taking and them just plainly ignoring any kind of diplomacy from Jennie to try and preserve the 150 years of peace that reigned over the region before the war begun.

Fortunately, you were winning the war and were currently in the planning room after discussing the last battle strategies with the rest of the generals. It was Jennie who requested this time alone time with you, asking for a piece of advice of what to do next.

"What should we do after winning the war?" She asked from the chair she was in, while you were just in front of her, stood up across the table.

"We won't win until we take their castle" You answered.

"Then, what should we do after we hypothetically win the war?"

"What are you referring to?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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