CH 13 Do I have to go ?

Start from the beginning

I roll over so I'm hovering over Mika. I brush his sweaty hair to the side. "Are you ready?" Mika doesn't even open his eyes. "Umm huh. Yeah."

I feel around and grab the lube from the end of the bed and set it aside for later. I move down Mika's body sucking and biting his tender spots just to hear him moan and hiss at the sensation. I make my way to his ass and settle between his knees. I start slowly circling his hole with my tongue.

I softy breach him with my tongue and he grabs my hair in a brutal grip keeping my face to his ass. I trace his body with my hand until I reach his nipple and start pinching and tweaking it while licking him out. I snake my other hand up his thigh onto his hard dick and squeeze and stroke from root to tip. "Ok A stop teasing me. I'm ready Now!"

I grab the lube and slick up my cock. I run my hand down Mika's thighs and line up with his hole and ram home in one pleasurable stroke. I pull his legs open wider so I can easily slide in and out. I reach down and start stroking Mika to the same pace as my thrusts.

I feel Mika try to squeeze his ass muscles like I did and it feels amazing. I start to loose my rhythm and I feel the tingle start at my toes and travel up spine. I cum in Mika's tight heat and slowly slip out and watch some of my cum drip out of Mika.

I drop down and swallow Mika's dick and start deep throating him. I feel Mika start to buck into my mouth and feel the warmth of his cum spurt onto my tongue. I swallow around him a few more times to drag out the pleasure.

When his dick is completely spent I lay down next to Mika and he cuddles into my chest looking up at me with sleepy eyes."Come on A we have to get some sleep you are officially meeting my mom for dinner tomorrow."

I sigh."Don't remind me." Mika pinches my side. "Hey she's not that bad don't believe everything Angel says about her. She is only probably half as bad as he says."

I kiss his forehead. "Love, if she is even one tenth as bad as Angel makes her out to be I'm scared." Mika looks up at me. "Shut up go to sleep already. I do not want to talk about my mom after you just fucked the daylight out of me."

Mika tucks his face into my neck and I put my arm around him. "Ok Love, but your the one who brought her up."

I actually fall asleep pretty easily holding Mika close.


When I wake up the next morning Mika is gone again. I don't know how he can be such an early bird. I rub my eyes and get out of bed and use the restroom. I come back out and put on some sweats and sit on the edge of my bed. I open my drawer and pull the picture of me and Mike out and walk to my closet and pull out a shoe box and put it in it and store it on the top shelf.

As walk in to the kitchen I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. I grab a cup of coffee and make my way to the living room where I can hear the TV on low. I spot Mika drinking his coffee watching the news. "Oh no this can't be your an early bird and you watch the news. Maybe I need to rethink this whole boyfriend thing." I say playfully.

Mika turn and gives me a nasty look. I put my hands up in the surrender jester. "Ok sorry maybe that was to soon to joke about that. But come on Love your making me meet your mom today the least you could have done was wake me up with a blowjob or something." I wink at him.

I sit next to him on the couch and throw my arm around him. He is still giving me the evil eye then he gets a mischievous look on his face. "I see how this relationship is going to be. Give and take make things even right?" I can tell by the way he said it agreeing is not in my best interest but I do anyway. "Right Love."

His smile is almost sinister this time when he looks at me. "Then I think it's only fair for you to introduce me to your family too and soon right ?"

Damn it I knew that was a trick question. I smile down at Mika who is texting on his cell. "Of course Love I will get right on that."

He sets his phone down and gets up. "No worries Love I just texted Avery he is letting everyone and I mean everyone know next Saturday we are having dinner here. Now that we have that settled lets go take a shower."

I get up and walk with him to the bathroom. I'm in a daze as we get into the shower. "Wait Mika everybody as in my brothers and parents right ? Not my cousins, aunts, and uncles right? You need to clarify everybody is a pretty broad statement."

I switch sides with Mika and go under the shower spray. Then it Clicks in my head oh shit. "Mika I'm not even out to my family they are going to expect me to have girlfriend. Oh my god did you think this through at all Love. This is a disaster waiting to happen."

Mika soaps up his hair like he doesn't have a care in the world. "Oh A don't worry about a thing I will take care of everything. I will make sure Avery tells everyone it's a coming out/ meet my boyfriend dinner. It's no big deal my step dad your brother and my best friend your baby brother who is flaming gay by the way are openly gay I don't think they will shun you." He laughs.

I switch with him again and start soaping myself. "Mika that is not the point. It's my coming out shouldn't I be able to chose when and how I would like to do that Love." I think I'm being very reasonable but Mika doesn't looked convinced.

I go under the spray again and Mika gets out and drys off. "No Babe you have had years to do this and you didn't I can't let you repeat history we will be open and publicly out as a couple and this will make it easier. Believe me babe, you will thank me when it is all said and done."

I get out of the shower and grab a towel and follow Mika to my room. "Mikkkka this is crazy Love, dinner in a week with my family. I'm not scared for me I'm scared for you. They have never met anyone I have ever been with and this will shock the hell out of them. I don't want you getting caught in the cross fire and hurt by it."

We both get dressed in some sweats and I follow Mika back to the living room where the annoying news is still playing on the tv. "Don't stress A I have it covered. I already know all your brothers and Haylee loves me. So really I'm just meeting your parents again because I barely talked to them at the wedding. Oh I should invite Greyson and Blaine too."

He looks at me like this is a normal conversation and I think I might have fucked his brains out last night because he is not thinking straight. I sit on the couch and watch in silence as Mika texts Avery again. I deicide to try and do damage control by texting Avery myself.

Adrain- Avery abort mission I repeat abort mission do not text the family.

Avery- Oh to late D I already did everyone is really excited to get to know Mishca better. Well everyone but Angel and Nicky.

I gasp and Mika looks up from his phone at me. "What A?" I smile evilly Mika doesn't realize what he just did. Oh how the tables have turned. "Oh nothing just Avery telling me how Angel and Nikolaus are taking the news."

Mika looks at me funny. "What news ?" I smile even more evilly. "Oh just that your dating a guy six years older than you who you promised was just a friend repeatedly and that they found out from Avery and not you yourself. You know that news."

The more I talk the paler poor Mischa gets. He jumps up and starts pacing in front of me. "Oh my god I did not think this through.We have to cancel A. My pops is still mad at me from going to the fetish club. I can't have my pops mad at me for two things at once. What was I thinking."

I pull Mischa back onto the couch and put my arm around Mischa. "Oh no Love we can't cancel Avery already set everything up." I say in a fake sad voice. Mischa gives me the evil eye. "You are evil Adrain Flores and I will remember this. Now I have to go call my pops and try to do damage control."

I smile and grab the remote to change it off the awful news and Mischa goes into the kitchen to try and calm Nikolaus down. Well I guess if I can annoy Angel with this dinner it won't be to bad. Now I just have to get through dinner with Miranda tonight and we will be all set.

I hope you all like this chapter. It was fun getting to write a new playful side of Adrain. Vote or Comment and let me know what you think. This is probably going to be my longest story so far I still have an outline for three more chapters before we move on to Avery's story. After that I am going to maybe write something different with a whole new set of characters and themes give me any ideas or prompts you would like for me to consider even guys names help.

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