Hiding In The Room Of Requirement

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Mara's POV 

It has been a week since we made the decision for the DA to hide in the Room of Requirement. Ginny and Neville made the decision to carry on going to her classes and go to the meal, to see if anything is being said about the students missing. At the moment nobody has really noticed due to other students leaving Hogwarts and fleeing the country with their family. As we also have no food, both of them have been trying to sneak some food back to the Room of Requirement. I put everyone else first, so I have barely eaten this past week. 

"Mar, you really need to start being selfish when I bring over food. You look so malnourished." Ginny expressed. 

"I don't want everyone else to suffer." 

"I understand that, but you seriously need some food." 

"I will be fine Ginny, please don't worry about me." 

"When I bring back some food from dinner, you better have something." 

"I will, but soon we need to find a better option than this." 

"I'm sure we will." Ginny reassured me. 

There was nothing to do in the Room of Requirement. As it was only the students who were part of the DA there wasn't many of us. We found ourselves talking about the future and what we would do with our lives after this is all over. A lot of us had the fear of Voldemort winning and our wishes not coming true. Studying was done for our last year exams which are meant to be in June. I doubt that we all could hide here till then. 

Draco's POV 

I didn't even bother grabbing some dinner from the Great Hall, I wanted to see Mara. I headed straight to the Room of Requirement, always checking behind me to make sure that no one was following me. The last thing I want is the order getting caught, because I was too stupid not to realise that I was being followed. 

As the doors appeared I wasted no time in walking in. The room was filled with other students, which was weird for me to see as usually I would only be here on my own or with Mara. It didn't take me long to notice her long brown, natural curly hair. As she turned around I felt uneasy, she was pale and looked like she hadn't eaten in daze. She looked rather tired as I noticed the bags that were under her eyes. When she noticed me her expression changed, she seemed happy as she gave a smile. As she walked towards me, I could tell that she felt dizzy as she stumbled over. I ran towards her, catching her in my arms. I started to panic. 

"When was the last time she ate?" I asked Luna, who also rushed over. 

"She's barely had anything all week Draco." 

As her eyes started to open I held her closer to me.

"We need food!" I shouted. 

"There isn't any." Seamus replied. 

"Fuck sake." I hissed. 

"Wait who is that girl in that painting?" Neville pointed. 

"I don't see how this is relevant Neville. Wasn't she there before?" I asked. 

"No, she wasn't. Wait she is signalling me." 

"Go to her Neville." Said Luna. 

As Neville got closer to the painting, it seemed like it was a door which opened up a passage. 

"I'm going to check it out." Neville muttered. 

As he was gone, I kept checking on Mara. She seemed dazzed still, and she looked paler than the first time I saw her. 

"Mar, you will be alright." 

She nodded her head lightly. 

"Why hasn't she been eating?" I asked Luna. 

"She prioritised everyone else. Besides Ginny and Neville can only sneak in as much as they can." 

"You guys should've said something, I could have found a way." 

"You are very busy at the moment Draco, you are under a lot of stress. She did not want to put this on you." 

"I want to stay here, but I can't Luna." 

"It's okay." Reassuring me. 

Mara's POV 

I could see his as I opened my eyes, he looked really down as he held me close. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. 

"No Mar, please don't be sorry." 

Before I got to say anything Neville appeared back in the room of requirement with some bread and soup. 

"I got this from some guy who owns the Hogs Head Inn." He added. 

"Please don't give this to anyone else, you need this." Draco said. 

I scoffed the food down. I didn't realise that I was so malnourished, as I did always eat something to keep me going. I just didn't eat as much as I could. 

"You need some rest Mara." Uttered Draco. 

I just nodded my head. 

He helped to my hammock. I must admit it is not very comfortable to sleep in, but that is not the blame for my insomnia. The dreams that I had the first two days, made me fear sleeping for a long period of time. I snooze every now and then, I just never have a full sleep. As I got into my hammock Draco sat beside it. 

"I am not leaving until you fall asleep." He insisted.

Draco's POV 

As I checked on her, I saw that she was fast asleep. I noticed a shadow above me, as I lifted my head it was Blaise. 

"Your mother needs you Draco." 

"I can't leave her Blaise." I pleaded. 

"I can stay with her until you get back, but right now your mother wrote that she needs you." 

"Please make sure she is sleeping." 

"Me and Luna will look after her." Blaise reassured me.

"Thank you." 

I kept looking back as I walked towards the Room of Requirement doors. I hated leaving her, especially in the condition she is in. I want to be by her side all the time during all this and I wish I could. Knowing that there are a lot of people who care about her does put me at ease, but I just cannot bear her being alone. I know she can defend herself, she is a very skilled witch and probably more skilled than me. When it comes to situations like this or after what Bellatrix did to her, I just hate leaving her side. I have grown much closer to her during these times, we both need each other. Even though we barely get to see one another. I never pictured my life with someone, I always thought that I would be alone. Then she came along.

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