
is it even a good idea to go out at this hour?❞  with his hands inside the pocket of his jacket, he walk straight to his destination.

the convenient store.

surprisingly, the convenience store is a bit crowded at this hour.

now, i wonder why he thought. he made his way inside, focusing on whatever business he has with the convenience store.

ramen, cola, sausage, and...❞ he paused, ❝tteokboki? no- i want the spam

now we're all set he thought, making his way to the counter to pay.

that would be 10  dollars, sir.❞ the cashier said, smiling like they usually do.

he nodded and handed her the card.

i apologize sir, the machine is not working as of the moment. so we're only accepting cash

oh– would you mind giving me few minutes. i will just call someone, since i don't have cash with me❞ he replied. fortunately, the cashier was kind and nodded at him.

he stood by the side, phone in his hand. contacting someone. 

the number you have dialed is currently busy. please try again later.

after a beep, he was then directed to a voice mail.

goodness kang minhee, i know you're on a date. but kinda hoping you would atleast text back. i have no cash in me, only my card and they said that the machine ain't working now, please help.

he sighs. now he understood why he felt something while he's on his way here.

uh, excuse me miss... but could–

scan mine along with his, i'll pay for everything.❞ a voice interrupted him. it's an unfamiliar voice to him, so he turn his head to look at the owner of the voice.

tall, melanin skin, sharp jawline, and had his hair down. but he still looks unfamiliar to him.

hyeongjun just stood there and watch, not knowing what to say.

❝here❞ the guy said, flashing him a smile.

t-thank you,❞ he responded, receiving the paper bags.  ❝how can i pay you back?❞ he added, feeling embarrassed by the fact that a mere stranger paid for his items.

the guy chuckles softly.

if you don't mind, your number will do.❞

he blinks.

o-oh of course, i don't mind!❞ he panicked inside, unlocking his phone.  ❝here's my line id. just chat me when you're free

so, how can i start the conversation when i don't know your name, pretty?

‘i bet this guy's a player. judging by the way he give me such name.’ he thought.

hyeongjun, song hyeongjun.❞ the guy nodded, extending his hand out.

to which hyeongjun accepted the hand shake.

taeyoung. we've met before but i don't think you remember❞ the guy added.


we've met before but i don't think you remember ...

those words keeps repeating on his head, he even started to wonder where and when. he was too caught up with his thoughts that he didn't hear the door clicked open.

hyeongjun, are you okay?❞ it was minhee, panting. as if he's running on his way here.

huh? oh- oh! hi minhee❞ he greeted.

did they let you leave your items? where's that store? let's go, i'll pay for it–

hey, relax. it's fine now, look i am eating the ramen❞ he giggled.

but, i thought you have no cash with you?❞ minhee asked, looking all worried.

i met this guy, and he's kind. he even paid for my items.❞ he elaborated.

tell me about that guy❞ minhee prompted, eyes narrowed in curiosity.

❝he said his name is taeyoung and he told me that we've met but he looks unfamiliar. so i wonder how would we met❞ hyeongjun replied,

you mean taeyoung from the science department?❞ minhee asked, hyeongjun shrugged.

from the science department?? how would you know we're talking about the same person?

the taller lets out a soft laugh, feeling all his worries wearing off.

‘is he seriously asking me how?.’ minhee chuckled at his thought.

❝you actually met him last week, he's even sitting beside you that time.❞

❝huh? why– how did you know?❞ hyeongjun asked, looking completely lost.

i know, of course...❞ he paused,

❝'cause i only have my eyes for you.❞

— t b c —

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