"Shit, three, but I need to stop by my place and grab my gear." I grin, wrapping my legs around him and thrusting my hips. He enters me and we both moan. I know I'm tight, maybe even a little swollen, but he feels so good. "So, you better hurry lover." I whisper, before he grins and kisses me.

                                                                         *   *   *

"Babe, where do you live?" Beau asks me, as we're both dressing.

"I live on Hyde, near Grace Cathedral." I grin, humans would never expect to find a vampire living so near a church. "Why do you ask? Oh, here, give me your number." I hand him my cell phone and he smirks.

"My boyfriend is asking for my number, but I can't ask where he lives?" Beau pouts and takes my phone, typing rapidly. He hits the call button and his own cell rings. He picks it up from the table and declines the call, but saves the number. He turns the phone to face me, My Angel is the saved contact. "I like it." He blushes and it's so adorable.

"I like it too." I take my phone and see he saved his number under Lover. "Guess you liked me calling you that last night, huh? Hmm, I think we need an amendment, due to the age gap." I'm teasing him, but watching him pouting as I'm typing is kind of cute. I turn my phone and he beams a beautiful smile at me.

"Lover boy? Not bad, but we look the same age." Beau takes my hand, grabbing his keys and a cloth tote bag. "Let's go. I'll take you home, it'll be hard to get a cab during the lunch rush. I have errands to run near there anyway." He kisses my hand, exiting the apartment.

"I usually just walk Beau, you don't need to go out of your way." My loft is pitiful compared to his apartment and I realize I'm embarrassed for him to see it.

"Babe, that's what, five miles at least?" He turns halfway down the stairs to grin up at me. "You walked that far yesterday and you were only going to look at me?" He rises onto his toe's to kiss me as I nod. "Good thing I hadn't forgotten you. But John, don't walk in Chinatown at night. It's to dangerous for you until he's gone." He's so serious, I can't refuse his request.

"Alright, lover boy." I kiss his forehead and we continue down the stairs.

   Outside, I watch my handsome young boyfriend unlock, a mini van? I say nothing, trying desperately to hide my grin as I slide into the passenger seat. He tosses his tote bag into the backseat and sighs.

"I know, okay." Beau grumbles, starting the engine. "My parents left it for me and it's pretty convenient for hauling booze and groceries. But not exactly manly."

"It's practical and the color suits you." I soothe, smiling at him. It's a deep hunter green and the interior is a dark gray.

"You think? My mom picked it." Beau laughs and I swear, it's the sweetest sound. "Anyway, how far from your place is your shoot today? Need a lift?" He asks, we're nearly to my building already.

"It's actually a baptism at the church." I chuckle, as he gives me a raised brow. "Churches and crucifix, that's all Hollywood b.s." I tell him, chuckling as he nods slowly. "I promise, I won't burst into flames entering a church. I'll see you before sunset." I point to a five story apartment building. "That's me."

"Not going to invite me up for a minute?" Beau asks, leaning forward over the steering wheel and grinning at me.

"Uhm, it's a loft. Don't expect to much, so, you wanna come up for a bit?" I ask, leaning over to kiss his lips softly.

"John, you're not embarrassed, are you?" Beau asks and I flinch, wrinkling my nose. "I don't care about stuff like that baby." He says, exiting the van and coming around to open my door. He smiles, taking my hand and pulling me from the vehicle. "Besides, I know you could own the building if you want." He winks and laces our fingers together. "So, show me how a so-called starving artist is suppose to live."

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