How 2 Learn Magic and Deal With Cults

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So it turns out the magic I could learn was somewhat limited. It sort of functioned like video game stats with attack and defense. Normally I would go with attack, but since I didn't want to be a glass cannon I decided to focus more on defense. At first I learned basic projectiles for attacks and basic shields. According to Beelzebub, me being exposed to magic allowed me to be able to use it. From there I could build up my power. She also said 80% of it was mental. Anyways I was able to upgrade from basic shots to the occasional huge fireballs and from basic shields to huge shields, bubble shields, summoning multiple shields, and summoning shields around other things. When I was in between training I went out and put out posters advertising the cult so Helltaker would know who to go to when he had his dream. Eventually after about 10 months he finally came in for the knowledge on how to enter Hell.

Me: Why hello there. I believe you're here for knowledge on the, let's say, otherworldly?

Taker: Correct. Do you have anything on how to get to Hell?

Me: That's a bit above my pay grade. Talk to Robe 1, aka, the leader.

I took him to Robe 1 and he got what he wanted. After that I decided to "get rid" of the cult. Beelzebub didn't seem to mind, guess she didn't really care about them. As long as I was ok. After that I followed Taker to his house.

Me: Hello. Long story short, I wanna go to Hell with you. I've spent the last few months learning magic and I want to put it to the test. You get your harem. I beat the shit outta monsters in Hell. Deal?

Taker: Eh, fine.

We dove into the portal.

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