are you in?

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The next morning...

I wake up to the blaring of my alarm.

Honestly yesterday felt like a fever dream. It's honestly a lot to take in. I mean a random girl sneakily staying in the Wheeler's basement... Just weird.

And then there was that tattoo. Who gives a child a tattoo like that. The whole thing felt eerie. Will disappearing, this little girl, like what more could go wrong.


I had a busy day ahead with this big chemistry test 4th period. 

I quickly rounded up Dustin drove myself and him to school. Nancy definitely opted to go with Steve after their little "study" adventure last night. so that was one less stop I had to make.

I walked into school today with Nancy and Barb.

Barb and Nancy spewed off with their flashcards... I remember something about "Alpha Particles", but I just couldn't bother to pay attention. Like how do I go about my day normally knowing there is a random 10 year old girl in her basement.

Just like that my rambling thoughts were cut off.

Steve and his posse scooted past us cutting us off.

Gosh his friends were the absolute worst.

Carol and Tommy ehhhh. They just make me want to gag anytime they open their mouths.... and Steve.... well I'm not so sure about that one. Part of me resents him a little less now, but sometimes I think his ego is bigger then his hair. Yesterday after school, and last night at the Wheeler's just seemed like a different Steve. He seemed deep down to be a nice genuine guy, but these friends of his, just complete a-holes.

Steve: "Nance, you study enough, I'm telling you, you got this"

"Steve" Nancy whined back.

"On to more important matters. my dad left town on a conference, and mom is gone with him cause you know...she doesn't trust him." Steve exclaimed

"Good call" Tommy added.

Steve: "So are you in"

Nancy: "For what"

Seriously why is this girl so dense.

Carol: "No parents big house"

Nancy really just didn't get it.

"Nance its a party" I clarified.

Nancy: "It's Tuesday"

Carol and Tommy gave a mocking laugh.

Steve: "Come on it'll be low key. Just us."

"What do you say, are you in or out?"

Nancy: "Oh I don't.."

Carol: "Oh god... look"

Are attentions all shifted over to the bulletin board where Jonathan Byers stood securing missing posters for his brother. It sure was a sad sight. I had known Will of course from the countless times he's been with my brother, but I hadn't really met Jonathan before.

Nancy was the first to break from the group and approach him.

Just as I was about to follow, an arm grabbed me from behind. I immediately whipped around seeing Steve as the culprit. 

"Henderson, your going"

This caught me off guard. I know we had a little discussion together, but to single me out in front of his friends I really didn't expect it.

"Uh, I don't know" I spat out quick

Steve: "I want her to go, and I know she will be more comfortable if her own friends were there. I mean come on it'll be fun"

"Fine, maybe, but I make no promises"

I start to turn and walk away from the group.

A party no way, that is just not my scene.

"I'll see you tonight then Henderson" Steve shouts as I walk down the hall.

"Don't count on it"

I kept walking down the hall, I had no idea where I was going, but I was getting out of here.

On the Edge: Steve Harrington x readerWhere stories live. Discover now