This guy

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A little bit of background first... your Dustin's sister and your gonna be childhood best friends with Nancy

Y/n – your name

Written from the readers POV unless stated otherwise

This is also my first piece I've written so enjoy!


"So when are you gonna tell me who this mystery guy is." Nancy had been super secretive about this guy she had been seeing the past few days. The two of them had met yesterday at the movies, but she wouldn't tell me who it was. I had my theories...

Nancy huffed at my question " we are just friends I promise"

"Mmm well do you like him, him like him"

"Well... I don't know. He's cute though"

"So basically your in love with him"

"No, not like that" she responded defensively.

Nancy was interrupted by a familiar squeaky voice in the background. Of had to be my brother Dustin. Just as I was getting her to spill it.

I could hear the door slam in the background as she came back onto the phone call.

"Sorry, it was your brother"

We continued to gossip on the phone for a bit, but she carefully avoided anymore questions about this guy. Maybe she was scared to jinks it or something. Who ever this guy was I'm sure I'll find out soon because there is no way she can keep it in for that long.


The next morning at school

I walk in with Nancy. She immediately asks "did you get a call about Will"

"I heard my mom on the phone this morning so maybe, why? Is something wrong?"

"Oh no everything seems okay, I think Joyce just didn't see him leave this morning or something, probably nothing to stress over" she says.

Our brothers are both good friends with the little Byer's boy.

Barb sees us walk into school and she scoots right over "so Nancy did he call"

Nancy shushes Barb, "No keep your voice down"

"Well did he" Barb pesters.

In a hushed tone Nancy responds " I told you it's not like that. I mean he likes me. Just...not like that" I can see Nancy start to blush "we just made out a couple times."

You guys get to Nancy's locker. Of course none of this information is really news to you since you heard it all yesterday but, this is the first Barb is hearing about it and she seems very invested.

"Your gonna be so popular now it's ridiculous"

"No I'm not" Nancy responds

This makes you turn your head. Did Barb know who this guy was?

"Wait, Barb you know who this is?"

"Are you talking about Ste...." She stops herself.

I don't even need to know the rest I already know who she is talking about

"Your messing around with Steve" I say in a bit of a shock

"Shhh, it's only a one time thing, well... maybe two" she reached for a piece of paper in her locker and begins to smirk as she reads it.

"Nance why didn't you tell me"

"Y/n it's not really a big deal. I'll talk to you guys later" she says as she leaves to go to the bathroom. You and Barb then part ways and head to your classrooms.


The last bell rings for the day and you head over to Nancy's locker again

Nancy immediately goes to say " I know it's stupid, but I swear we aren't a a thing"

"Nance I don't care about Steve. Whatever you choose to do is your thing. I mean yeah he's a douche but, you seem happy."

You can see the relief in Nancy's face "y/n obviously I was going to tell you, I just wanted to make sure you two were cool first."

You quickly respond "yeah we're fine"

You and Steve had been good friends back in middle school but, like most friendships that kind of dissolved when you got to high school, he found his new friend group and you found yours.

"So you gonna tell me what that note was about"

"Well he told me to meet him in the bathroom, and... we might have kissed"

"Wow Nancy Wheeler so scandalous" you joked

"He wants to see me tonight, he said he would sneak in the window. But, I was thinking maybe I could have him pick me up from your place."

"Yea definitely my mom literally could care less"

"Thank god, my mother would kill me if she saw Steve over at my place"

We both start to walk out of the building into the parking lot. Usually you would give Nancy a ride home but, it appeared that Steve would be giving her a ride today. Conveniently he was parked right next to you. Steve sat on the edge of the hood of his car looking at the two of you with those stupid black sunglasses he always wore.

Nancy was the first to break the silence as the two of you approached the car.

"So Steve y/n is going to be helping me study at her house tonight, so I was thinking... you could come pick me up there" you could see the smirk Nancy gave Steve as she said this.

"Wait Henderson is coming to?" Steve questioned

"Oooo no definitely not" I quickly interjected.

Honestly Steve was so dense sometimes.

Nancy went to open the passenger door to Steve's car when she looked down at the belongings in her hands. '"Shoot I left my flash cards in my locker... I'll be right back it will just be a second"

Nancy quickly ran off back towards the school leaving just you and Steve alone.

On the Edge: Steve Harrington x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora