I slapped on a simple light shaded green sweater and some white sweatpants accompanied by by white socks and ducky slippers

"LaLa, do I look ok? Is my hair fine? My lips? My face? My shoes? How do I look? Do I look like I'm going on a date or a study session? Am I underdre—"


I sighed and turned to face her, giving her the biggest pout ever

I collapsed onto her, wrapping my arms around her waist as I fake sobbed in her touch

"Don't cry Jinnie, you look cute and that's all that matters. You'll be fine" she comforted me

I stood back up and took a deep breath in and out

"I have to go now. Did you put everything in the basket like I asked you to?" I asked Angela, searching the room for the basket

"Yep! Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, chocolate, marshmallows, THE GIFT, two blankets and two pairs of binoculars"

I ran over to her and gave her another hug before taking the basket and heading downstairs

We ran to the door and I took my own keys, locking the door once we both got out and started to walk to the car

And jumped in the passenger seat, strapping myself in and relax

A bit of time passed but we got there in no time. Stepped out of the car and left the basket in the car

I ran the doorbell and waited a few seconds

"Hey Hyunjin!" He squealed, jumping up and wrapping his arms and legs around me

"Hey Lix, having a nice birthday?" I giggled, gently setting the boy back on his feet

He nodded and smile widely, walking past me and opening the backseat door

He climbed and made himself comfortable, strapping himself in aswell

I opened the backseat door and held out my hand, borderline dragging him out of the car

"We're walking, remember?"

"Oh yeah!"

He said our goodbyes to Angela and started walking and talking about random stuff

"Hey, Hyun?"


"Thank you"

"For?" I asked holding his hand in mine

"For loving me so much. I don't know where I'd be without you. And I certainly will never leave you" He said


"No need to thank me. If it weren't for you then I'd never know how to care for someone. I never ever wanna lose you" I replied, kissing him on the forehead

For the rest of the time we walked in comfortable silence, hand in hand

I noticed that we got close to I covered his eyes with my hands.

"What are you doing?"

"It's a suprise"

I walked him carefully up the hill and once I reached the top I let go

His eyes were almost as wide as his mouth that was covered by his hands. I could see small tears forming in his eyes

"It's...beautiful" He muttered taking a better look at the place

It was a series of high hills, but this was the lowest, with small yellow flowers scattered all over the green grass

The view of the night sky and stars was what really made this place pretty. The stars reminded me of his freckles

While he was still drowning in amazement, I took the time to set the picnic spot

Once I was done I walked behind him and tapped him

He turned around and instantly started crying happy tears

"Happy birthday" I said before planting a quick kiss his lips

He pulled me back and gently smashed our lips together, our lips moving at a certain way allowing me to take every but of his cherry chapstick

The kiss wasn't sexual, it was sincere and a one in a million, just like him

I guided us back to the picnic spot, laying down and tapping down next to me for him to lay down too

We gazed at eachother, our backs on the soft cotton blanket and your hands in eachother's

"You're beautiful" I muttered my eyes fixated on his immaculate lips

"Well, you're beautifuller"

"But you're the beautifullest"

"You're beautifullester"

"And you're the beautifullesterest. End of discussion"

I grabbed the pairs of binoculars and handed him one and held the other to my eyes

I looked up at the stars, drowning in the beauty of the night sky

My hand crept in the basket, grabbing the container full of strawberries and the box of chocolates

I opened both and took a chocolate, holding it to Felix's lips and watching him inhale it

I took a strawberry for myself, eating one after another

I reached in the basket and got hold of a box. "Close your eyes" I said pulling it out (ayo?!)

I held the box, neatly wrapped in blue wrapping paper, infronr of him and he sat crossed legs with his eyes tightly shut

"You can open"

He opened his eyes and was almost brought to tears

"IS IT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!" He yelled, grabbing the box and lightly shaking it

I laughed just looking at how cute he was

"Remember when you told me you really wanted something to make memories with?" I said, giving him a smile


I nodded my head and watched as he jumped to his feet and did his little happy dance

Once he finally calmed down, he opened the box and pulled out the polaroid camera and the film

He put the film inside and the batteries that came with it

I took the camera out of his hands and stood up, stretching my arm out to help him get up

He immediately got the message and ran to the center of the hill, striking a cute pose

"Say cheese!"







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