12 - Different

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She opened her eyes and tried to sit up, but was stopped when she felt something tighten around her waist. That was when she felt the presence behind her, and Jasper craned her neck to the side to see it was Kate. She was snuggled right up against Jasper with her arms wrapped around Jasper's waist, holding her close as if she never wanted to let her go. Kate's eyes were closed, and her shoulders rose and fell steadily in time with her breathing. She was asleep. 

Jasper instantly felt heat rise in her cheeks. She didn't know how they'd ended up like this, but she couldn't deny that part of her thought it was a little endearing. However, Jasper also knew that they couldn't stay like this forever, since they both probably had things to do for Clint. 

Jasper moved forward, trying to get up. But Kate's grip on her tightened even more, preventing her from moving. Sighing, Jasper tried to pry Kate's arms from around her waist, but the girl was persistent, putting her arms back around Jasper the moment Jasper managed to remove them. 

"Kate," Jasper said to her friend. 

Kate simply let out a slightly childish grunt; apparently Jasper's movements had woken her up. 

"Kate, come on," Jasper said with a soft laugh. Kate grunted again, this time longer and louder, and Jasper chuckled again before saying, "Kate, seriously. You gotta let me go, I have to get up." 

"No," Kate mumbled. "I want you to stay." 

Jasper shook her head. "Kate, c'mon, lemme go." 

"Nooooooooooo," Kate whined, tightening her grip on Jasper. "Staaaaayyyyyy." 

Jasper huffed. "Kate, you're acting like a baby." 

"I am not," Kate mumbled, her eyes still closed. 

Jasper paused for a moment, trying to think of how she could get out of this. Then, she smirked as an idea came to her. "Are you ticklish, by any chance?" 

Kate's eyes flew open, and she immediately released Jasper before scooting further under the covers to protect herself. Jasper grinned triumphantly as she sat up, then said to Kate, "That's what I thought." 

"You're an ass," Kate muttered, pulling the blankets up over her head. 

Jasper's grin widened. "But you love me." 

Kate simply stuck one hand out from under the blankets, giving Jasper the middle finger in response. Jasper shook her head with a chuckle before getting up and walking over to the closet, then opened it up and ran her fingers over the racks of clothes. 

"So where are you going?" Kate asked as she, too, sat up. 

"Nowhere," Jasper said. "I'm just an early bird. Have been ever since the Blip happened." 

Kate glanced at the clock beside her and huffed. "Yeah, no shit. It's only six thirty in the morning, that's way too early to be up." 

"Maybe for you," Jasper said with a grin. 

Kate rolled her eyes, throwing back the blankets and walking over to the closet before lightly bumping Jasper with her shoulder. "Well, shove over, then. I gotta get dressed, too." 

Jasper smiled even wider, stepping aside and leaving the bedroom. When she reached the living room, Clint was gone, with no evidence to his whereabouts. Jasper couldn't help but feel a little relieved, but also a little upset. Kate would be pretty crushed to find out that he hadn't even said goodbye. 

Alone ✧ KATE BISHOPWhere stories live. Discover now