11 - Bandages

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AFTER A MOMENT, JASPER DECIDED TO CALL HER MOM. She'd told her mother that she'd be attending the party, and after what had happened, she was certain that her mom was worried about her. So, after finding the phone that belonged to Kate's aunt (which was a landline, unfortunately), Jasper called her mother's number and waited, hoping that she would pick up. 

"Hello?" came Rebecca's voice, answering on the third ring. 

"Mom?" Jasper said. "It's Jasper." 

"Jasper!" her mother cried, her relief obvious. "Oh, thank god you're alright! I heard about what happened at the party and I was worried sick!

Jasper nodded even though Rebecca couldn't see her. "I know, I know. I would've called earlier, but..." She sighed. "I lost my phone. And a lot has happened." 

"I know," Rebecca said. "I saw the video of you. So you mind telling me what's going on?" Jasper didn't reply, so her mother went on in a stern voice, "Jasper Trenasha Bradley-Owens. I know you're an adult, and I know you think you don't need me anymore. But I'm your mother, and you don't have to do everything on your own. I'll always be here for you, and you know you can come to me with anything.

Jasper sighed again. "I have absolutely no fucking idea what's going on," she admitted. "These past few weeks have been crazy. I got a visit from a weird woman, a necklace in the mail that apparently belonged to Dad, and I found out that he's also done some illegal things in the past. Not to mention this whole... dragon thing that's going on with me." Jasper shook her head. "The woman who visited me told me that I had 'gifts', but I needed to talk to Dad about them. But when I did call him, he lied to me. He said he had no idea what I was talking about, gave the excuse that I was on crack, told me to go to bed, and then hung up." 

Rebecca sighed as well. "Your father is a man with many secrets, Jasper," she said. "Even I don't know about everything he's done. And I certainly have no idea what's going on with you. But you just have to be patient with him. He'll tell you when the time is right.

"No he won't," Jasper replied with a scoff. "You know him, he'd get shot in the head before he revealed a secret to anyone, especially me." Her mother was silent, so Jasper asked a question she'd asked many times before. "How did you ever fall in love with him, Mom? He's an asshole and a prick." 

Rebecca sighed again, giving the same answer she always gave. "One day I'll tell you everything. But for now, I need you to trust me. Give him time. He will tell you what you need to know.

Jasper exhaled loudly, running a hand through her hair. "Fine. I'll be patient." 

"That's my girl," Rebecca said. Jasper didn't respond, so Rebecca went on, "Anyway, wherever you are, please come home. Cleo must've called me about thirty times in the past hour.

"I can't," Jasper said. "My friend Kate needs my help with something, and I can't just let her handle it on her own. So I can't come home until we fix what's going on." 

"I understand," her mother replied, much to Jasper's surprise. "You've always wanted to help those you care about, Jasper. It's one of the many reasons why people are drawn to you." Jasper could almost feel her mother's smile through the phone, and the woman went on, "Well, just make sure to keep me updated. I want to know that you're alright and if your father reveals anything to you.

Jasper smiled. "I will." That was when Kate came back in, so Jasper said, "I have to go now, Mom. But I promise I'll call you tomorrow." 

"Alright. I'll talk to you tomorrow, then.

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