Chapter 22: Reality

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Harry's Perspective

I woke up the next morning wondering if I was dreaming, but as I looked down at her beautiful face I knew I wasn't.

I'm really falling for you.

Her voice kept replaying in my mind cause my chest to tighten from the overwhelming feeling of happiness it brought me.

I closed my eyes again, relaxing into my pillow only to open them wide remembering that Olivia had to take the paternity test today.

I'm so tired of thinking about Olivia.

I thought to myself, as I tried to slowly move off the bed without waking her. I felt her tighten her grip on me and I couldn't help but smile.

I leaned down kissing the top of her head, whispering softly, "Mer, I need to make a call, I need to get up."

"Nope." she smiled sleepily, and it took everything in me to not just ignore the Olivia matter.

"Honey, it's important please."

"Mmmm." she pouted, moving herself off of me, reaching for the pillow I was laying on as I got up and hugging it.

I couldn't help but laugh and leaned down to kiss her cheek. I could just sit there all day, and watch her sleep. Feeling this dumbfoundedly happy, but I didn't get that, at least not today.

I got up and got dressed quickly, making my way downstairs into the living room. I sat on the couch and took a deep breath looking around to make sure her mom or sister weren't awake yet, before unlocking my phone and calling Olivia.

Her phone rang a few times before going to voicemail. I tried once more and the same thing happened again.

I opened up our messages and sent her a text.

H: Olivia, we need to talk. I was serious about today.

I got up, running my fingers through my hair and walking into the kitchen to make coffee. I added a double shot to the Nespresso machine, placed a cup underneath, and clicked the button to start the machine. I was going to need all the caffeine to get through what today could turn into. Once my cup finished I started one for Miera.

I heard my phone go off and opened up the message from Olivia.

O: be at the clinic at 2. do NOT bring her.

H: k.

I scoffed at the idea that I would bring Miera anywhere near her after what she did yesterday. I was happy we didn't have to be back on set until Monday when Scott was back, and I could only hope Olivia wasn't going to spread lies to him about Miera.

I shook the thought from my mind as anger took over me. It was too early in the morning to feel angry. Once the second coffee was done, I poured creamer in both and walked them into the bedroom

Miera was still asleep,and as much as I didn't want to, I had to wake her up and tell her about today. I walked over placing the cups on the nightstand and sitting on the bed.

"M, honey, you have to wake up. We need to talk."

"About what?" She said quietly.

"If you drink this coffee I made you, I'll tell you."

I watched as she peeked an eye open, and stretched her arms out, "Did my mom see you? Or Des?"

"No, they're still sleeping."

She nodded as she propped the pillows up behind her, sitting up. Her make up was everywhere, her hair tangled from last night, but to me, she was the most beautiful person ever.

She held out her hands and pretended to sound like a zombie, "Coffee, caffeine, gimme."

I laughed, handing her the cup and sitting back next to her. I watched as she smiled against the warmth of the coffee and leaned her head back against the pillows.

"Okay, I'm coming alive. What do we need to talk about?"


I watched as she made a face of disgust, "Need more caffeine," she brought the cup up to her lips while drinking more, "Okay, go."

"I need to meet up with her at 2pm to get the paternity test done."

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, turning to look at me, "Okay, and then what?"

"And then I will come pick you up, and we will go somewhere. Anywhere for the weekend."

"As much as I like that idea, and want to do that, I mean, what happens after the test?"

"Well, I believe we have to wait two days, for the results. And then, I don't know after that Mer. I honestly don't."

She stared directly in front of her and nodded her head, chewing on her lip. I hated when she was quiet like this. When I couldn't read what was on her mind.

"Okay," she finally said, taking another sip of her coffee.

"No more running, not you, not me. Okay?" I whispered softly and she turned to look at me and nodded.

"No running."

I paced around my room waiting for Harry to get back. I had changed into a sundress and packed a weekend bag. We had decided to go to Solvang. It was private and secluded enough where Harry might not get overly recognized and we could just hide away.

I looked at my phone, it was already four and he hadn't texted me. I knew these things could be long but I didn't trust Olivia. I didn't trust her with him.

I sat on my bed, chewing on my lip. He mentally prepared me for the pap shots that would come from today, and I was hoping that he didn't waste time arguing with her about it.

"Uuggghhhh" I yelled out as my door opened and I quickly stood up expecting it to be Harry, instead Des walked in. I sat back on my bed not able to hide my disappointment.

"Look I'm sorry I don't have that messy hair thing going for me, and I lack the green eyes, but I can be cute."

I couldn't help but crack a small smile as she walked over and sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers and took a deep breath.

"He will be back soon, Mer. You know how these doctor offices can be."

"I know. I just want this to be over."

She sits up and looks at me, a concerned look filling her face, "Mer, but I need you to prepare for the fact that there is a giant possibility this isn't going to be over. That she is carrying Harry's kid."

I look away from her pinching my lip between my fingers, "I know Des."

I shake my head and stand up, pacing my room again. Finally my phone goes off. I run over to it and it's Harry letting me know he's on his way.

I feel a temporary moment of relief knowing that, at least for now, I could escape with Harry.

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