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part 008
hide and seek


As Athalia enveloped me in her comforting embrace, I felt the floodgates of emotion burst open, releasing the pent-up anguish that had been weighing me down. Her soothing touch on my back offered a lifeline amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

"Park," she whispered, her voice a gentle reassurance. "I love you; you know I love you, we all do." Tears blurred my vision as I clung to her, finding solace in her unwavering support. "How are you, Parker, aside from this?" she asked, her concern palpable as she met my gaze with unwavering compassion.

Beneath the weight of my own turmoil, I forced a semblance of a smile, masking the tumult of conflicting emotions that raged within me. "Good. How are you?" I replied.

"I'm holding up," she answered with a smile, a fake one. I know her too well and sometimes I hate that. Glancing down at her hand, I noticed the water bottle she held, a small reminder of simpler times when our worries seemed far less daunting.

Four years ago

"Rest assured, Mr. Jane, they will both receive top-notch care here," Principal Cole assured, his tone brimming with confidence. "William, you'll have Griffin Hill as your roommate. He's also 14, like you. And Parker Jane," he glanced down at his paperwork before meeting my gaze again, "you'll be sharing a room with a new student who started today as well. Her name is Athalia Santiago, and I must say, she's a delightful addition, much like yourself." As we sat in the office, a table neatly dividing us, my father, in his tailored suit and heading to a meeting after.

"Santiago? Julian Santiago's daughter?" My father's voice carried a note of surprise. "What's his daughter doing here?" He turned his attention first to me, then to my brother. The question seemed out of place, akin to something one might ask in a prison setting.

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that information, Mr. Jane," Principal Cole replied firmly.

"Parker," my father addresses me, his tone serious. "Do you know who she is?" He often took the time to educate me on the intricacies of the wealthy elite, a gesture I appreciated.

"Yes, Athalia is Julian's daughter, and Mr. Santiago oversees a renowned wine company," I relayed what I had learned from him. "Wait, didn't she struggle with addiction or something?" I furrowed my brow, casting a questioning glance at my father. Julian Ezra Santiago, held a prominent position in society, with a family legacy stretching back generations.

"Yeah, the incident with the drinking," Will interjected. "It made tabloids and—"

"William," my father's voice cut through sharply, silencing him.


As I stepped into the room designated as mine, I found a girl already settled on one of the beds. Her dark brown locks cascaded gracefully around her shoulders, framing her face, and her brown eyes held a certain depth to them. The natural light pink of her lips complemented her features, and there was an air of perfection about her countenance. I couldn't help but notice the delicate shadows beneath her long lashes as she looked up at me.

"I'm Parker!" I announced with a friendly smile, glancing around the room and noticing my bags already in place. "You must be Athalia?" She nodded in response, her legs crossed on the bed, a water bottle nestled between them.

"It's to help me avoid drinking again," she explained softly, her voice carrying a soothing quality. "And why are you here?"

I couldn't resist a smirk. "I kissed my father's girlfriend," I admitted, watching as her expression shifted instantaneously. Her eyes widened, her mouth agape in disbelief.

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