Chapter 1

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The beginning

Some might think of Emma as the shy type because she is quiet and doesn't engage in conversation unless somebody starts talking with her first, but in reality she isn't shy at all. She has always been one to speak her mind , she has a lot of opinions. Which isn't always a bad thing, although she does get herself into trouble from time to time because of it.

Emma's POV

"All of them! Their all idiot," I say to Scarlett while we walk to our usual spot for lunch.                         "Yeah they might be but at least they aren't trying to take over the world like someone I know," Scarlett says with that iconic grin on her face. Ugh, I hate it when she uses that against me. I mean I'm not that crazy! I roll my eyes, making sure she saw me, then sit down. "I don't care what you think about my plans for the future 'miss world'. All I'm saying is they could have at least tried to think about someone else besides themselves."

She ignores me and takes a bite from her apple. "Have you heard about the party this weekend, apparently Derek and his group of asshole jocks are gonna be there." I scoff ," Not him again, I thought you were over him. He has done nothing but use you."

"I totally am over him, I just thought it would be a nice opportunity for you to go out with me and enjoy yourself," she gives me that suggestive smile. "No, I am not going. You know that I can't ever show my face again after last time," I sink into my seat pulling my legs up to bury my face into it.

"Ah yes, your classy exit." She giggles. " You know, I haven't actually heard anybody talk about it for a while now. C'mon please go with me! I promise that I won't leave you to jump into the pool again and then run down the street with only your bra and underwear on again." She smiles to me, holding in her laugh.

I give her the most unimpressed look I can . "You are the worst person ever! You are no longer my friend. I can't believe you said that aloud when we made a deal to never say it in front of other people." I look around to see if anybody heard her, thankfully all the teens were too busy discussing the latest drama to even look our way.

I sigh. "No I won't be joining you at the lame excuse of a party this weekend." I give her a stern look making sure she understood that I was NOT going.


Friday afternoon

Yeah, I should have expected Scarlett to be standing inside my room when I got home. She doesn't take no for an answer. Actually she doesn't even wait for an answer, she just decides everything for you.

I look around my room at all the piles of clothes she made for me to definitely not pick up later. "You could have offered me a ride after school to my own house y'know," I sit down on my unmade bed.

"That would have ruined the surprise. And anyways I needed the extra time to go through all your clothes that are totally useless for tonight," she sighs while falling to the ground in a sitting position. She starts glaring at my closet and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"This is useless."

"Ya think..." I sigh ," Fine I did put my one party appropriate outfit away, hoping you might give up." I give an innocent smile her way while standing up and walking to my bathroom.

She instantly smiles seeing she has won.

ahhhhhhhhhh chapter one DONE
I know it's short but I'm tired so yeah that's all you get :)

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