Chapter 5

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Adeline, 2014  ( Civil War )

"Sorry, I was out of my head" I took a deep breath while slowly going back to reality. The night of our first date. It keeps repeating in my head. The words exchanged, the smile on our faces... I will never get that again. 

"Meeting now.  You have to come" Steve came into my room and sat down beside me. He'd been calling me for a while but I was too focused on something else. He only sighed and gave me a pat on the back. 

Steve and I have lived with each other ever since Fury got the word I was still alive. The boys weren't the only ones on ice for years. I was only set free when they needed a weapon to use. I have days where I reminisce about my youth. I have only become free for quite some time and I am still getting used to the treatment they did. I may have overcome the triggers but the flashbacks, the nightmares reminded me of the vile things they have done. The eyes I stare at before I pull the trigger without having a sense of my own mind. 

One night while brainwashing my head, a hint of memory came in like a hurricane. It was destiny indeed or what they might say because a memory after being tortured to forget and learn was a miracle. I kept my time, my pace to slowly pick up the pieces and not batter a fight. I waited until I was in a cell where I was kept for the time being. Lila. Lila? I thought to myself. Lila? 

"Yes doll, Lila. Everyone calls you Line and I want it to be unique" 

"You sweet thing but how come Lila?"

"Lila is beauty, and you... you're beautiful, Line. Not just your face or body, believe me, I love your body" Bucky teased. 

"Stop it!" They laughed and kept on teasing each other. 

"You are a wonderful woman and I love you with all my heart, Line" Bucky let a tear fall as he stares at Adeline with the feeling of love and happiness that he was new with. It was not casual nor the same, it was something that made him swear to himself that he would cherish for the rest of his life and on to the next lives he's going to be in. 

"I love you, Bucky"

"I love you, Lila. You will always be my Lila"

After that, It all went south. I finally remembered the reason why I volunteered for Hydra. Young, naive Adeline. I had a memory that not only gain my mind but also the meaning of life for me before the missions. Bucky. I had no one before the war. Only Bucky... The life I've lived is with Bucky. Bucky was my life and so was I. 

I had to fight for what I gained. I had to find him. Hydra brainwashed both of us and that included knowing each other.  We were never given the chance to reconcile or see him after they've treated his arm. We were never assigned together, maybe that's why our memories never came back until the incident. He doesn't remember me. Even when I fought through the guards and soldiers just to see where he was around Hydra's base. I saw him in the chamber. His body stealth like how I used to be. 

"Bucky!" I pounded on the glass to get him out but I can't seem to jam it. More guards came to sight and scientists from Hydra were furious to see the state I was in. I stood in front where Bucky was trying to protect the only thing I have left in my life. Not even the sanity of my mind was there. 

"Soldier, get away from Srgnt. Barnes immediately"  A doctor called. I used my other arm to try and free Bucky but It still wouldn't budge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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