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October 5, Wednesday   

 It was the week of the party. The music blasted so loud it could probably be heard from three blocks down, so many teens and young adults were downing beer like a dog in the sun. Caleb was sitting next to his friends on a stair case as people walked around, shouted, laughed, and got their asses full on drunk. Dylan wondered when would the first pile of vomit happen. Caleb covered his ears after a while, the bass was on high and he could feel the vibrations in his bones. Sunny came over with her purple cup. "Hey you three! Do you want to play seven minutes in heaven in the basement," She asked, practically yelling since it was loud. And she was tipsy. "It's a bit quiet down there!" Dylan gently tugged at Caleb's sleeve and Caleb uncovered an ear. "Let's head downstairs," Dylan said and the three boys followed Sunny to the basement. Caleb shivered when he felt spit on the back of his neck. It was a party, people were laughing and yelling, of course there would be spit! Very gross indeed. As soon as they got downstairs, the yelling and "singing" was faint, close to being muted. In the basement, there was a tv on a sleek black stand with a few game counsels. Bean bags were placed around a table with some snacks and sitting in them were her friends.  

   One of them wasn't wearing something you'd see in the punk section of a Hot Topic. Her short hazel hair was curly, her freckles decorated her face, her baby blue overalls were over a yellow shirt. The three boys have never met her before. "This is Charlie by the way," Sunny said. "She's a Sophomore and I met her a few days ago." Charlie waved hi with such an excited energy. She didn't look high.  "Nice to meet you, Sunny told me so much about you three!" You can easily tell she was an optimist. Her smile was big, it was a nice one.  Dylan waved hi as he chuckled. Luka whispered to Caleb, "Maybe she can be your friend." Caleb was nervous but having a friend who was optimistic and free spirited, maybe it could help him. Caleb sat next to his friends. Sunny came back with a few sodas and snacks from the mini fridge.

"I thought I'd bring my friends in here so we don't have to worry about the whole noise and so we can play some games," Sunny said.

"Sunny. You started this party," Dylan said, simply stating the fact.

"I only told LeAnn, her brother, and you."

"It might've been LeAnn."

   LeAnn had pretty brown hair that was wavy. It looked natural than forced. Her hazel eyes were sharp as her mascara was applied lightly. Lips just glossed and her sun kissed skin didn't look like those fifty dollar tans. She was naturally pretty. "I didn't say anything. I only told Liam and Amelia."

   Liam, the shaggy hazelnut brown haired jock, choked on his soda. Caleb could've swore he saw him scrunch his nose and his eyes water from the soda splashing into his nose. "You told who," Liam exclaimed.

"Amelia," LeAnn answered boldly. Liam set the soda down quickly and got up.

"Well this was fun. I have to go," He said before he ran upstairs and the basement door shut loudly. He didn't like Amelia, not anymore after she just ripped his heart out. She wasn't a boss bitch for being bold or breaking up with him first, she was just a bitch. Liam didn't want to be in the same place as her so she can break him down all over again. 

"Did I say something bad," LeAnn asked as she was confused.

Sunny hadn't told her so she cleared her throat before she said, "Amelia hurt Liam. Whenever he got teased, she did nothing, she cheated on him, and she was just mean. She cried and told people he didn't care about her but he's anything but heartless. Liam tried loving her more but she was just a bitch."

Charlie said, "at first she made him heart broken but now he's just afraid that she'll ruin his chance at actual love by complaining in front of everyone at how "bad" my cousin is. He's a family guy. He loves friends and people. But I hate to say, he is a fool."

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