Chapter Two

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It's time like these when Louis wants to thank the world for partnered projects. Now, it wasn't the typical out of school project, but it was enough to make him want to hug his teacher and offer to water the plants because he got to work with Harry in class and that made him so happy.

The world is a nice place, having the letters S and T next to each other in the alphabet. It was like fate wanted them to be together cause they happen to sit next to each other in English class. Which may be why that's Louis' favorite class, considering he only has a couple classes with Harry.

That saddens him a lot, he loves it when he shares a class with Harry. It gives him an opportunity to watch him from afar, see what he's like without friends around and notice him in a different light. The only downside is he focuses more on Harry than the teacher, thus making him fail in English class often.

It was worth it, though. At least, it was in his mind. Louis has the problem where he becomes attached too easily. And even though he and Harry weren't the best of friends, he somehow has grown addicted to him. He's on his mind more than he should be and always wonders what he's doing, who he's with and how he is. He doesn't see it as a problem himself. To others it seems strange, like he's obsessed and has some disorder. But to him, he's just so fucking fond over Harry. He admires him, but not in a creepy way. He wants to get to know him, however he's way too shy to do so and that's why he was happy the teacher paired them up to work on a small in-class project for an hour and he knew fate found its way into his life.

As the teacher handed out the papers, Louis saw Harry turn and glanced at him since they were partners and the curly-haired lad gave him a small smile. That's the thing he admires most about Harry- he doesn't judge, he doesn't get angry when partnered with someone he doesn't like. Not that he doesn't like Louis, he does. He simply accepts and gets over it, not being a rude or ignorant person. When Louis got his paper, he noticed that Harry motioned him over. Louis grabbed his pencil and mentally prepared himself not to make a fool out of himself. He has a habit of being clumsy, dorky and just plain stupid. Especially since he had no idea what they were learning due to staring at him the whole time and didn't even know what they were supposed to be doing.

He figured Harry would know, considering he paid more attention. He was more worried that Harry would think he's dumb and want to change partners. He pushed the thoughts away, walking towards him and the girl who was at his table got up and smiled, letting him take her seat as she went with her own partner. He recognized her as being Zayn's girlfriend, Perrie- he believed was her name. She was rather nice, a bit sassy and weird at times. All-in-all, she was a good person, though.

As soon as he sat down, Harry pulled out the paper and said to him, "Okay, so we can each do five of the sentences and exchange them then copy what we said, or we can do them together."

"Together." Louis said instantly. One, because he didn't understand what the fuck they were supposed to do. And two, he wanted to actually talk to Harry. They wouldn't be talking if they worked alone. He sheepishly chuckled when Harry raised an eyebrow at him and admitted, "I-I don't know what we're doing."

Harry rolled his eyes, but looked amused instead of annoyed. He scooted his chair over and since it was a table instead of a desk, he leaned closer to Louis to point at his paper and said, "We have to vocab words, remember? So we're supposed to be making sentences with the word about each topic it says."

"I don't understand," Louis' eyebrows furrowed, blushing as Harry's curls tickled his cheeks from being so fluffy. He could smell the shampoo- green apples- and wanted so badly to bury his face in them but knew that would cause Harry to stab him with his pencil. Suddenly, Harry took Louis' pencil, circling the word 'disassociate' and said, "Okay, so the first word is disassociate. Basically, we use the definition to try and make the word fit with noise, since that's the word you're supposed to compare it to or whatever. So, we can say, "If I heard a noise, I would disassociate myself from the group of people to find out what it is." It's a bad example, but who cares? It's right, I think."

The Boy Who Cried Suicide (L.S)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora