The Outbreak

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As Class-1A gets ready for their 4 day break, Izuku Midoriya was building up the courage to ask out fellow classmate Kyoka Jirou. When he's about to bail, his friend, Ejiro Kirishima, stops him.

Eijiro: "Calm on man, you can do this! The longer it takes, the more you lose your chance at dating her."

Izuku: "I know. It's just hard."

Kyoka: "What's wrong Midoriya?"

Izuku attempts to speak, but can't utter a single word. Eijiro leaves them be, as Izuku finally builds the courage to ask her.

Izuku: "I-I-I-I-I-I-I wanted to a-a-ask you if you w-w-would like to.......g-g-g-g-g-go out on a d-d-d-d-d-date with m-m-m-m-m-me?"

Kyoka blushes at his request, but smiles soon after.

Kyoka: "Yes. I'd love to Midoriya!"

Izuku looks up in disbelief and nervously smiles at her, as he starts to visibly shake. Kyoka collects her things and smiles at him one last time before leaving. Back at the dorms four hours later, Izuku gets ambushed by the boys, minus Bakugo, who drag him into Shoto's room.

Denki: "You've finally done it! 'Bout time dude!"

Mineta: "A part of me wants you dead, but the other half is so happy for you!"

Shoto: "(Thumbs Up)"

Izuku: "I don't even know where to go to or what we're gonna do though!"

Shoto: "You mean you didn't plan this far ahead?"

Izuku: "I got a lot farther than I thought I was!"

They all get notifications from the class group chat, seeing a message from Aizawa.

Jesus (Aizawa): If anyone had plans to leave, cancel them immediately. The schools going into a lock down.

Xenomorph Queen (Mina): Lock down? What for?

Speed-Cola (IIda): Apparently some sort of sickness is spreading and UA could get contaminated.

Juggernog (Kirishima): Damn. Is it anywhere near here?

Kyo (Jirou): I think I saw reports on the news say so.

Jesus: I'll be joining you all in the dorms, but I gotta check on Monoma right now.

Small-Might (Izuku): Is he okay?

Jesus: He's got a pretty big bite on his arm and has been sick for a few hours. We gave him to Recovery Girl, but she hasn't reported anything since.

Small-Might: Be safe.

An hour later, as the students were starting to doze off, screams are heard outside. Izuku gets up and looks out gis window to see students and teachers being attacked by sickly looking people.

Bakugo: "What the hell are you standing around for!? Let's help them!"

Izuku: "Kacchan wait!"

Bakugo runs outside, with Eijiro and Shoto close behind. When they approach the sick people, they get ambushed by the many hordes of them. Eijiro hardens himself and escapes back into the dorms, while Shoto and Bakugo are heard screaming in pain. Eijiro shuts the door and locks it and everyone barricades the door, until pounding is heard on the other side. They all stay quiet, until they hear them screaming.


Izuku quickly removes the barricades and let's them all in. Eri jumps into his arms and hugs him, shaking like she did when he first met her. Everyone heads to the roof to see what's happening. When they reach the top, they also see the city in chaos with smoke coming from everywhere.

Izuku: "What the hell is happening?"

Class-1A look around at the chaos at UA, with Izuku holding on tight to Eri. A massive army of the dead enter UA, as the rest of the surviving students at the dorms shut off the power so that no attention is drawn to them. They all head inside and board up the windows and doors to make sure the zombies don't enter the building. Izuku and Jirou look at eachother, with her giggling.

Jirou: "One hell of a first date right?"

Izuku smiles at her and chuckles to.

Izuku: "Yeah. Yeah it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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