"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asks and Nancy nods. "So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate."

"So that's what those shits were." Billy and (y/n) realise, Steve making a snark comment about the police not having any grenades.

"But Robins right, we can get weapons." (y/n) says. "I have some stored back at my place."

"Wait, what happened with all the hand rifles and guns you brought with you on the boat?" Steve asks.

"Rifles and guns can get waterlogged if submerged I'm guessing. They would've been useless here." (y/n) explains.

"Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom too." Nancy says and everyone looks at her in surprise except for (y/n).

"You, Nancy Wheeler and (y/f/n) have guns, plural, in your bedrooms!?" Eddie exclaims in shock and the girls nod like it was nothing new.

"Full of surprises, aren't they?" Robin says.

"Nancy is the one that taught me how to shoot, mainly during school break."

"That's why you kept going over to Wheeler's place." Billy chuckles, damn impressed by his girl as he drapes an arm around (y/n)'s shoulder. Eddie chucks his vest at Steve for his modesty, everyone gasping from the sudden earthquake that hit the Upside Down. Steve caught Nancy, Eddie caught Robin and Billy caught (y/n), the boys helping the girls and protecting them to make sure none of them got hurt. There was a loud cacophony of snarling and howling from the bats that sounded like a flock of them were close, Eddie agreeing with everyone to go get the guns.

"Let's get a move on. Quicker we get there, safer we are." (y/n) says, helping Billy up before everyone starts walking through the woods.


The boys were walking together towards the back as their girls walked in front of them, talking and ensuring that Robin is going to be safe whenever she goes on a spiel of word-induced panic. Steve stops Eddie for a bit, the two of them slowing down so he could talk to the metalhead.

"Eddie. Hey, man. Uh... Listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there." Steve says.

"Yeah Munson, had to hand it to you, you know how to fight dirty." Billy says in appreciation.

"Shit. You both saved your own asses, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there." Eddie says.

"When he took a bite out of that fucking bat!" Billy says, recognising the musician and Eddie looks at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah! Exactly! I'm surprised you know him!"

"Ozzy who?" Steve was the confused one and the other metalheads sigh in frustration.

"Ozzy Osbourne?" Eddie says.

"Black Sabbath?" Billy adds on but Steve was just even more confused. "Fuck Harrington, you really don't know jack shit." Billy lets Steve and Eddie talk it out amongst themself, going over about one of the kid punks as he looks at (y/n) who turned around to smile at him. She puts up an 'ok' sign as a way to ask him if he was ok and he chuckles, nodding his head which makes his love smile in relief. He truly was glad to have all of her back, even her weird little quirks he learned to love completely.

"Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week." Eddie says, sighing out into the night.

"Give yourself a break, man." Steve says.

"All of us have wanted to turn around and run when we first got shoved into this fucking mess." Billy says.

"Yes but see," Eddie stops the boys, pointing to the girls ahead of them. "The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you both." Steve and Billy look at (y/n), Nancy and Robin. "Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Wheeler and (l/n) right there, they didn't waste a second. Not one second." Eddie says and the boys look at their girls, Billy not realising that Steve was looking at (y/n) as well. "They both just dove right in." Billy slips his hands into his jean pockets, a small smile on his face as he looks at his love with absolute adoration. Eddie then turns to look specifically at Steve. "Now, I don't know what happened between you and Wheeler, but if I were you,  I would get her back." Eddie nudges Billy next when he was done talking to Steve. "'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen." Billy's heart warms with love, knowing that (y/n) truly was the one for him. 

Steve noticed the way Billy looked at (y/n), realising that he really needed to give her up when he noticed the way her whole face lit up seeing Billy. "That's where you're wrong Eddie... I don't love Nancy..." Billy snaps his head at Steve, glaring at him knowing exactly who was in love with and before he could pick a fight with him, the ground shook from another earthquake.

"Jesus fucking christ! I hate this!" (y/n) hisses out, hanging onto a tree while Robin yelled at Nancy when she runs off.

"Nancy! Wait!" Robin exclaims as the group stumbles across the forest and stops at the exit with Nancy, seeing the large clearing in front of them and the streets of houses that they recognised.

"We should visit (y/n)'s place first and then mine. It's on the way and closer." Nancy says and everyone nods, letting (y/n) and Billy lead the way from now on across the dangerous viny land of the Upside Down. The group jogged down the pathway quickly, wanting to get to the house quicker and avoid the bats that were circling above them in the red sky that cracked with thunder. 

They stopped in front of the house as everyone pants for air. "Fuck I'm not fit for this..." (y/n) wheezes, stretching up and cracking her back before opening the door of her house to walk in, making sure it was safe as the others follow behind her. Billy and Steve were last to enter but Billy slammed Steve against the wall, sneering down at him.

"Stay away from (y/n), Harrington. I know you have feelings for her but she's my girlfriend." He hisses, pinning him against the house but Steve throws Billy's hands off him.

"I fucking know! I know..." Steve sighs in defeat. "I see the way you both look at each other Hargrove... She will never look at me like that, like the way she looks at you." Billy purses his lips, taking a step back as Steve runs his hands down his face. "I'm sorry man. I love her but I don't want to lose her, even if it means staying friends with her forever and her being with you."


"-I'm not going to fight you. Not when I know you make her so happy. I won't take that away from her even if it kills me to let her go..." Steve and Billy look at (y/n) as she talked to the others, wondering what was causing the earthquakes. "I chose her but she chose you Hargrove... I won't take her away from you." Steve sighs, moving to walk into the house but stops next to Billy as he places a hand on his shoulder. "Make sure she stays happy forever Hargrove. Please." he brushes past him and into the house.

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