Chapter 12!

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Elise hustled into Cyclone's office with Maverick, her head down. But, it seemed Cyclone had changed his mind somehow.

"Look, Legs. I get it. I fired your partner without telling you. I shouldn't have done it." Cyclone paced through the hallway. "Just...take the rest of the day off and be back tomorrow to start working, yeah?"

Elise nodded. "Thank you. Will do, Sir." And without another word, Elise was out of the building and on her way back to her apartment.

She didn't do anything throughout the day, but after the sun had set, she decided she wanted to watch a movie. She didn't know what, but she wanted something. After a while she chose something she never thought she'd watch...

Elise's body felt sensitive as she sat alone watching Fifty Shades Darker. She had already watched the first an hour earlier and she had immediately started the second one. She couldn't help it as she watched Christian have his way with Anastasia, the way she had her way with him. Her body felt like it was on fire while she squirmed on the couch, trying to continue to watch.

But it was hard.

Her cheeks felt as red as the last time she had been with Hangman and she was aching to be with him again. All the lights were down in her apartment except for the red LEDs she had hanging up–she changed the color specifically when she had started watching.

There was a large window she sat beside, but it was too dark for anyone to see anything, but it still scared her. But her body ached to be touched.

She squirmed again on the couch as Christian picked up Anastasia, carrying her into her bedroom. She felt herself throbbing and she finally had to do something about it.

Elise traced her hand down her chest, stomach, and finally to the place her body ached the most. She slipped her hand under the waistband of her underwear and lightly touched her clit–gaining herself a moan of her own. She knew her walls were thin, so she tried to stay quiet, but the relief of getting to touch herself was almost too much to think about at that moment.

"Fuck..." She muttered softly under her breath as she watched the two of them kiss passionately on the screen.

She let her hand move faster as she bit her lip and tilted her head back. Her breathing had already started to turn shallow and just as she was about to slip a finger in, she heard a pounding on her door that startled her so much she let out a small yelp.

Elise immediately stood up and walked further away from the door, the pounds still hitting hard.

"Elise, I know you're fucking in there. Let me in."

She paused the movie as she heard that voice. That voice. As the door opened, Elise was standing in front of the one and only–her thighs still clenched together.

"Hangman, what the hell–"

"Don't you dare say that fucking shit to me." He was inside within another second. "It's Jake tonight, okay?"

Elise closed the door slowly. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Hangman pointed to the screen where Anastasia was standing topless. "This is what I'm fucking talking about."

Her cheeks heated as she looked between him and the tv. Her arms quickly wrapped around herself, closing herself off to him. "What I watch isn't your business."

She heard him curse under his breath before he moved so close to her, she could feel his breath. "I fucking saw you from your window, Elise. I know what you were doing and–fuck, Elise–I need to be the one giving you that pleasure," he locked eyes with her, "that sensation."

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