Chapter 8

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After talking with Rooster, she made her way out of the office and to the bar. She didn't want to get hammered or anything--as she had work the next day--but a drink didn't hurt. And seeing her cousin wasn't all that bad either. 

Penny came over, a beer in hand. "Rough day?"

"Not the worst, not the best." She took a sip, the ale went cold down her throat. "I won Maverick in a dogfight, but had to deal with two idiots afterwards."

"Not the worst, not the best." Penny repeated sarcastically.

The bell at the front of the door rang and Elise looked to see who entered; and, to her surprise, it was a beautiful curly haired brunette with brown eyes, freckles, and a gorgeous grin Elise could point out anywhere.


Maggie whipped her head in the direction of her name and was smiling widely when she saw Elise. The two of them hugged and when they pulled away, Elise was still smiling. "Oh my god, how have you been!"

"I've been good!" Maggie hiked the tote up over her shoulder as the strap tried to slide down. "Rooster said he's got some big surprise for me tomorrow and that I should be 'well rested'. Do you know what that means?"

Elise finally calmed down. "Absolutely no idea."

"So you know?"

"...Maybe, but it'll be worth it, so you should rest up."

Maggie gave her a look. "Uh huh. Look, Rooster and I are probably going to have dinner tomorrow so if you, and a guest or something, would like to join us, I bet we'd be glad to have you."

"That sounds perfect." Elise smiled and gave Maggie a hug before checking her watch. "Big day tomorrow, so I've got to get going."

"See you soon!"

Elise waved and left, hearing the bell ding on the way out.

Elise heard a knock on her door and when she checked the time, she was not pleased to see: 3:00 a.m. She groaned getting up as the knocks continued to sound. When she opened the door, she saw a slightly drunk Hangman at the door.

He let himself in, swaying slightly as he did and when he turned back to her, his cheeky smile was plastered on his face. "You know, that talk you had with Roos and I...the way you talked to me. I liked it." He took a step closer to her, so close she could smell his breath. "I really liked it."

Elise gave him a slight nudge and moved out of his path. "Hangman, you're drunk, go home."

Hangman grabbed Elise's hand, spinning her back to him so they were closer than an inch. "I'm drunk, but not drunk enough to regret this. Because this, this is what I've been wanting for months."

She felt his hand slowly drag up her arm and trace across her collar bone. He felt each one of her quickening breaths on his hand. His eyes were mesmerized by her breathing and it wasn't until he finally caught her eyes that he stopped. "Have you," he cocked his head to the side, watching her lips, "have you been wanting this as much as me."

Elise almost forgot how to speak. She had to swallow before answering to make sure her voice didn't sound shaky. "Y-yes, I have." She pulled away just an inch. "But we can't. You're my student."

He chuckled a low laugh. "Legs, you're three years older than me. It's not insane if we were to hookup. Just once, come on."

"Hangman, you know I want to. You know, but--"

He closed the distance between them, putting his thumb across her bottom lip. "If you don't finish your sentence, there's nothing to regret." He bent down, their lips a breath apart. "And I don't want to regret a thing."

And then his lips were on hers and it felt like heaven. Elise knew she wanted this. She'd known since they first met at the bar and she'd known every day since. He'd  known as well, it seems.

He immediately led her to her bedroom, their lips never parting, as his hands felt up and down the sides of her body. The only time they left each other's touch was when Elise tripped over the back to the bed and fell down on it. But that didn't stop Hangman.

He quickly made his way above her and started to attack her neck. Kissing, sucking, biting even, and Elise laid there, taking all of it. One of her hands went straight to his hair and pulled slightly, gaining a groan from Hangman. 

One of his hands slipped up under her shirt very lightly and ever so slightly grazed along her breast. Hangman stopped and looked up, a brow raised. "You're not wearing a bra."

"I wasn't expecting company." She responded breathlessly and grabbed his face, pulling him back into a passion filled kiss.

Elise wanted this to last forever. Every touch of his skin burned into her memory and she never wanted it to stop. 

She arched her back up to him as an invitation to continue his movements, which he did. One hand went under her shirt once more and the other started to unbuckle the belt on her jeans.

"So, no bra, but jeans and a belt?"

"Shut up and just kiss me again."

And so he did. And he didn't stop. Not as he took off her clothes and not as he took of his. Not as he traced his hands along the curves of his body. Not as he--

Elise woke up dripping in sweat. That was not  how she expected that dream to go.

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