Akame Ga Kill:The dream Theory

Start from the beginning

Stylish sighs and begs tatsumi to tell him what he remembers and what his life was like.

(F/n):That's a weird thing for a doctor to do.

Seeing no way out,he told the crazed Doctor and retold his life story to amd He told him everything from his home village all the way to the final battle against the empire but After telling everybody everything, DR stylish got closer to and said the words that made him feel like god was plating a sick joke on him.

Tatsumi:all that what you just said never happened......it was all a dream,You were in a coma for a 2 weeks and tatsumi?Hate to break it to you but your real name's (T/n) and here's a mirror to see the real you.

(T/n):I was In.....a Coma?

(Y/n):Dude,don't worry,We would know if you were in a coma or not.

Tatsumi or (T/n) Couldn't believe what stylish had just said....none of his adventures with night raid never happened,His friends from Night raid.....they Don't exist......even his Life as Tatsumi was a lie as he looks at the mirror to see the real him and he's surprised.

even his Life as Tatsumi was a lie as he looks at the mirror to see the real him and he's surprised

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He turns his face left and right before smiling.

(T/n):I don't look half bad.

(T/n):I wholeheartedly agree and It's ironic,I still have Green eyes in both bodies aka Real and anime character form.

(T/n) Looks at Stylish and Asks this To him.....

(T/n):So........Is anyone coming to pick me up or do i live alone?

Stylish:Nope,Your family is coming as in,Your parents,Older brother,Older Sister,Twin brother and Younger Sister but they're already aware of your Problem.


Bailey:We'll Fix it!

(Y/n):Yeah and Besides,our family always sticks Together No matter what.

(B/n)::And I ain't letting you be abandoned because you got your Big bro here.

(S/n):And The oldest,The big Sister.

(T/n) soon Saw his Family Come In through the doors And (Y/n) Gave His Twin and A hug.

(Y/n):Don't Scare us like that again,Man!

The (L/n) Parents Came Over And Picked him up while crying and Said...

(F/n):Oh,(T/n)!Your mother and I were So worried....

(M/n):You're Also Grounded For a Month,When we get Home.

(B/n):It'll be nice To have (T/n) back,It wasn't the same without him.

(S/n):Yeah like him and (Y/n) Arguing for stupid Stuff.

Weiss:You guys argue?

(L/n) Twins:Yeah.

(Y/n):We May be twin brothers but.....

(T/n):That doesn't mean we Have The exact same likes and Dislikes....

(Y/n):Yeah,We like and dislike our own things and we respect that,We don't force the other to try and like something,if they don't want to.

Bailey:I missed having one Of my older brothers at home but I know that with Big Bro (T/n) home,It'll Make Big Brother happy!

Will:And that's all.

The groups all look at one another before looking at the (L/n) Family...Who was Currently Hugging (T/n) Or in Bailey's Case,(T/n) & (Y/n)'s Legs.

Everyone[Except (L/n) family]:'That Family Looks So......Pure....and Happy...I Wish was apart of that family'

Ram:'But Technically Thinking About it,I Am apart of it but i have to wait til i become her By meeting My time's (F/n) and One Day,Having the kids i see and Being a Family'

(M/n) Looks at her Younger self and already knows What she's thinking and looks her husband and children.

(M/n):'and i'm Happy that i waited because it brought me my happy family of sweet children and a kind husband'

Will Looks at the mortals in his theaters and remembers what his future self told him that tempest thinks of him as.....

Will:'Brother,Huh?i guess it would make Sense but tempest is always been kind of like that.........except When we first met but still,i'm one of the people he thinks of as a brother....?Deep but that's another reason for my but future self to save tempest,not for Wyatt to keep his uncle or Luke to keep his dad but so me and a few others can keep our Brother.....Course,I'd Never say it to his face'

Echo Smiles at her Husband as she knows that despite how much Will tries to murder tempest or Really gets annoyed by him,he Does Treasure his friendship with him and that is something that is special until.....

Will:Tempest,I know there and put it back right Now.

Will Looks right At  where Tempest is and he's Carrying a suspicious Large Sack on his Shoulder.

Will(Annoyed):You're Kidding?

Tempest:no,You see,I'm Practicing to be Santa Claws For the holidays!

Will Immediately shot the sack to reveal his ice cream was Inside and Looked even more annoyed at tempest.



He runs off as Will chases after All while Echo watches and Laughs And holding baby Wyatt who laughs at his Father Chasing his Uncle.

Echo:Well,They really are like brothers and This confirms it because They sure do act like it.

Echo and Baby wyatt laugh all the While Will and Tempest are still running Roadrunner and Coyote Style.

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