13 years earlier.
Selen: 10
Elira: 11
Shoto: 11

Screaming and yelling was heard outside a house, specifically known as Selen's. Shoto and Elira were outside on their porch and Shoto was hiding behind Elira.

"Come on, let's go this way" Elira whispered taking Shoto's hand.

Shoto nodded and followed behind Elira and they went to Selen's room window. Elira place Shoto on her shoulders so he could get into the window and help her up.

They both ended up getting into the room and found Selen sitting against her door holding on her eye.

"Hey! Selen? Are you okay?" Elira asked crouching down beside her.

"Selen, you okay?" Shoto mumbled leaning his upper body towards them both.

"G-guys? Whatre yous doing here!? Yous know if my father finds you her-"

"Shhh!" Elira said holding her finger up to her lip.

"Let's get you fixed up.." Shoto mumbled grabbing out some bandaids.

"Whatd he do to you?" Elira asked holding her hand.

"He..he hit me with a vase..." Selen mumbled sniffling.

"He what!?" Elira said.

"Sh!" Shoto said.

They then heard angry footsteps heading towards them.

"Get out of here!" Selen hurried them.

"Were not going anyw-"

"OI, KID WHOS IN THERE" Selen's father known as Kei.

"Go!" Selen said standing up and pushing them towards the window.

The door then broke down scaring the children, they all noticed he had a beer bottle in his hand and he reeked with alcohol.

Selen stood infront of them.

"W-WAIT DONT HURT THEM!" Selen pleaded.

Kei was about to smack Selen with the bottle he had but Shoto went and grabbed onto his arm and tried to grab it out of his hand.

"Let- go! You brat!" Kei said flinging Shoto into the wall hitting his head in the impact.

Shoto winced in pain and slowly sat up straight and looked to his side. A katana. He grabbed it and felt the sharp side to check if it was real, and it cut his finger so it's real.

He shook the blood of his finger and looked back over to see Elira get hit with the bottle, he stood up he was a bit unstable but he was able to stand straight.

He gulped and before Kei could go for another hit on Elira who was struggling to stand Shoto threw the Katana and it pierced through his chest area.

Elira and Selen slowly looked up when they heard Kei stop yelling at them, then they saw the Katana through him, they backed away quickly when Kei fell to the floor.

They looked over to Shoto to see him as shocked as they were.

"Shoto! Are you okay?" Elira asked.

Shoto hesitantly nodded before feeling his head and noticed blood dripping down.

"Are yous okay?" Shoto asked.

They both nodded.

"Let me go get the first aid kit real quick" Selen said running out of the room.

Shoto then leaned against the wall holding his head.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Elira asked crouching down beside him.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now