The Birth of The Duchess of Gloucester Part II

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The Birth of Duchess of Gloucester Part II

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard had her cotillion on June 1, 2290 and she is engaged to be married to her second cousin, Lord Richard Edward III in 2294.

Meanwhile, Lady Karissa has entered into her final trimester with Lord Andrew Charles Howard and her final child together.

Lady Karissa has four children with Lord Andrew Charles Howard and two with Lord Richard William Carey and she has made an attentive agreement with Lord Charles Andrew Howard III to their child in five years time.

Lady Elizabeth is fifteen years old, Lady Samhain is nearly fourteen years, Lord Anthony is ten years old, Lady Caroline Matilda is eight years old, Lord Albert Edward is nearly five years old, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey is nearly four years and he shares a birthday with his older brother, Lord Albert Edward Howard.

Lady Karissa prepares for laying in at Beltane Manor where she has had Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony, Lady Caroline Matilda, Lord Albert Edward and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey.

Lord David William Beck Senior has delivered all of their children like all of the Howard children.

Lady Katherine with their two children, Lord David William II and Lady Edwina Wilhelmina are given a suite in Beltane Manor.

Lady Karissa sits in the living room at Beltane Manor with her children gathered around her along with Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Andrew Charles along with Lord David William Senior, Lady Katherine and their children.

"Karissa. You must be insane to have had so many children with Lord Andrew Charles." Lord David William states.

"I promised him five children and five children he will receive." Lady Karissa explains. " He has his two sons and four daughters and perhaps a fifth daughter."

"I don't know why you stayed with his sorry excuse rear end." Lord David tells her.

"I had my children to think about and of Lord David William. Lord Andrew Charles may be their father but he has never been a daddy to them." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Has Lord Andrew Charles ever been a good husband to you, Karissa?" Lord David asks.

"Hmm. Let me think. Maybe in the beginning." Lady Karissa tells him.

"What back in 2275?" Lord David asks.

Precisely,Lord David. Way back in 2275 before he became Duke of Norfolk Territory and before Lady Elizabeth was born.'" Lady Karissa tells him.

"You know I wish Kevin Thomas Riley had been ready to marry then. I would have married him in a heartbeat." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Kevin Thomas Riley wasn't ready to settle down and he was more interested in Star Fleet Academy and getting his internship." Lady Karissa states.

"Andrew Charles Howard was around and at the time I thought and still do think he is one of the most handsome men on Star Base 12 next to Lord Richard William Carey." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I can't say much about his techniques in bed, but he is a good breeder." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Lord Charles Andrew JR has his golden hair heiress and his spare heiress." Lady Karissa explains.

"Please tell me this is your last child with Lord Andrew Charles?" Lord David William asks

"I can guarantee it." Lady Karissa tells Lord David William Beck " I have made an agreement with Lord Charles Andrew III to give him a daughter."

Lady Josephine Karissa Howard, 2nd Marchioness of Pembroke TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now