I start undoing wrist buttons. I want to be slow and methodical like he had been and yet he had so many more buttons than me that I felt some abandon as I opened one after another. When I've made enough of an opening I slide my hand inside the cuff and squeeze his wrist. "I'm inside with you."

"Why does it excite you so, to invade my sleeve?"

"Well I figure with all these buttons you're either trying to keep someone out. Or keep yourself held in. Either way... I'm excited to be given access."

"Just this once, Miss Ivysil. As a trade."

I smile. "An excellent trade." I undo the two little white buttons on his shirt cuff and pull his hand up to my face, kissing between the open cuff plackets. I think I might hear him draw in breath a little rougher.

I move to repeat my actions on his other wrist. "Professor-"

"Severus. Please."

"Severus..." I test the name. Never having said it in front of its owner.

"Miss Ivysil?"

"Anna." I correct him back. "May I move over to the centre front buttons?" I ask.

"No" he answers firmly "Because it is my turn once more." He takes me by the shoulders and puts me in the middle again. He surprises me by kneeling down in front of me.

My skirt has a wide waistband with grommets and lacing at the front. He makes short work of my double knotted bow. He pulls the lace out of every eyelet and drops it to the floor, helping the skirt over my hips to pool around my feet.

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it surely wasn't him leaning forward to kiss the fullest part of my belly, sliding his hands over the plump sections I am most nervous about showing people.

I am much more undressed than him now. I have only an unbuttoned blouse over my underthings. It's surely my turn once more but I look down in silence as he kisses over my belly and up, slowly rising off the ground to eventually kiss the deep cleavage at the top of bra as he returns to his feet.

When he gets to my face he raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for my command. So I point at the lilac velvet sofa that spans one end of the fitting area. It's tufted, overstuffed, and it has seen some things. It belongs to Marie Malkin, it is the site of many love affairs. I figure it's good luck at this point.

He obligingly sits in the middle and I straddle him. I begin to work that central column of fastenings free. Stopping to untie a black cravat as I uncover it, the sound of that silk as I draw it against itself and off of him is zippy and cloying. I will have him, not this silk neck binding. I discard it with vigour.

I look down. I have only five more buttons before he is free of his cassock. I do them slowly, looking into his eyes as I do them. Since he is sitting now I cannot slip this cassock off his shoulders, so when I am done with those buttons I have no choice but to take the two small white ones at his shirt collar and guide them through the thread loops I made for them. His neck finally free of all its restrictions I lean in and kiss him there, flicking my tongue over his flesh. He makes a satisfying noise as I do.

When I stop and come eye to eye with him again his hand slides up my back and into my hair, pulling me in close to his face and at last we kiss. I have never had a first kiss where I was so naked. I was very aware of his hardness in his trousers pressing into my core which was clothed only in some lace knickers. As our lips pressed together I arched my back, pressing myself against him as much as I could. Grinding against him madly, I felt how the sturdy black wool I had chosen for these trousers, while soft on my fingertips was rough against my inner thighs.

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