Let it out- Thoma X Overwhelmed Reader

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I sighed as I finished sweeping the entrance way of the Kamisato estate. I put the broom away and rubbed my throbbing head. I started adding the final details to make everything perfect when I heard footsteps behind me. "Wow it looks great in here Sweetie. Good job!" I heard Thoma's voice say. I turned around and put a smile on my face,"Thanks Thoma I did promise to help whenever you needed though." I turned back around to finish what I was doing. I heard Thoma again,"Do you wanna spend time together after cleaning? We could go to the teahouse." I nodded,"Sounds lovely dear." I heard footsteps walking away I breathed out a sigh of relief and slumped my shoulders. Life had been a lot recently. Everything seemed to pile up and no matter how much I worked the mass of the pile never seemed to deteriorate. I've come close to a mental breakdown 3 times in the last 5 days. I really needed time to myself but if I stopped working I would feel guilty. I took a deep breath and groaned in pain as the throbbing in my head grew worse. I didn't know what my migraine came from. Was it because I haven't slept properly in so long? Was it because I haven't eaten properly? Was it because I was stressed? Was it from dehydration? I didn't know I just mentally screamed as I suffered for the rest of my cleaning.

I brushed my hair out of my face as I finished wiping the last window I had to. I tidied up my cleaning materials and put them in their respective places. I waited by the door for Thoma I closed my eyes hoping to ease the pain in my head. I was close to crying but I held it in. I heard the familiar voice,"Ready to go darling?" I opened my eyes and put on another smile,"Mhm let's go." I saw his facial expression turn into a puzzled and concerned one but he continued to hold open the door for me. I kept a small smile as I walked past but as soon as he couldn't see my face I let it drop. Thoma grabbed my hand as we walked to Komore Teahouse. I looked at him and lightly smiled I then turned my face back to the ground in front of me. My head was still throbbing making me feel a blinding pain. I just prayed to the Archons it stopped soon.

As we got closer to Komore Teahouse I noticed how busy the city was crowds of people were down the streets. A lot of people meant a lot of noise. I internally screamed the rest of the walk was not going to be fun. I felt like crying from the pain at this point the noise of the bustling city making it harder not to.

When we arrived Thoma held the door for me again. I just walked past into the quieter environment. Thoma closed the door as he walked next to me. Thoma bought some tea for us and we sat at a table in one of the rooms. I listened to him ramble for a little before he suddenly stopped. In a worried voice he said,"Sweetie are you okay?" I just nodded and tried to put a smile on my face. "You know you can tell me right? I care about you a lot more than you might think darling." His sincere concerned voice made it hard to not burst out in emotions and start rambling to him in incoherent sentences. "Yes I'm fine really." I looked down at my tea. "I don't believe you honey." I heard his voice say worried. "You don't have to but I really am okay Thoma." I said trying to change the subject. "The Y/N I know is not as depressed as you've been." He said pressing the issue. "I'm not upset or anything I'm okay so..." I tried to retaliate. Thoma moved closer to me. He pulled me into a hug."Please sweetie tell me what's wrong. I can't see you like this anymore." He said in the most caring and loving voice I've heard. I couldn't contain it anymore I sobbed into his shirt. He gently patted my head and rubbed my back. "Thoma it's to much. It seems like no matter what I do there's always more." I said between sniffles and cries. "Shhh it's okay darling." He said comfortingly. I just cried my eyes out rambling on and on to him about my troubles and challenges. "You shouldn't feel guilty for keeping yourself healthy sweetie." I cried,"I feel guilty that I'm not working or helping." He rubbed my back again."I help you remember to take care of yourself." I tried to respond but before I could he said,"If you do you'll be helping me keep peace of mind that you're okay." I just stayed silent and cried some more. "Can you please promise to take a break at least sometimes?" Thoma said sweetly. I just nodded.

He just stayed there. Listening to me cry and ramble. And not once did it seem like I was annoying him. I closed my eyes I did not want to leave this moment. Thoma didn't make an effort to move either he just whispered sweet nothings, gentle words of encouragement, and 'I love you's to me while we sat there our tea had probably gone cold but we didn't care. I just silently thanked the Archons for my luck of finding and falling in love with Thoma. The way he made my heart swoon and swell with love and joy was special to me I wouldn't trade it for anything in Teyvat.


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