Gifts and Gratitude- Xiao X Reader

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(In this oneshot reader will be and Electro Claymore user. Sorry if it's not like your oc or preferred vision and weapon.)

It was a nice spring evening. The day was April 17th. A certain yaksha's birthday. I finished wrapping his present as I turned to make his favorite almond tofu. I went around my kitchen grabbing the ingredients. I started to get to work I tie my hair back and start cooking. While the food finished cooking I quickly set up the package it was a nice container that I would wrap with a cyan cloth to keep the almond tofu fresh. I turned back and grabbed the food and put it neatly in the container adding touches to make the presentation nice. I wrapped the cloth around it and set it in a basket along with his present I planned on getting him some flowers, because who wouldn't enjoy flowers? I left everything on the counter while I went to my room to get ready. I put on a nice outfit.(Imagine your own dress,suit, or whatever you like<3) I also did my hair in my usual style I looked in the mirror adding the final adjustments making sure to display my vision proudly. I walked back out of my room to the main area and grabbed everything I needed and walked towards the door.

As I stepped out into the Liyue streets I saw the orange hue of the sunlight. I quickly started walking to Wangshuu inn I waved to chef Mao as I passed Wamin restaurant. I thought about which flowers Xiao would like. I thought maybe yellow roses, but then again carnations are pretty. I knew a nice flower shop run by a sweet lady and her son. Maybe the roses they're pretty and they match his eyes. I saw the shop getting close I reached for my bag(or pocket) and pulled out some mora I. When I was close enough I scanned around foe yellow roses I saw a beautiful bouquet of them. I asked politely for them and the woman smiled as she handed them to me and I gave her the required mora. I thanked her and continued walking. I left Liyue harbor and kind of zoned out as I walked I took the path numerous times so I knew it very well. I was still alert to know if monsters were coming but I mostly focused on the road ahead of me. A nice gentle breeze blew through the evening air. I smiled as I walked.

I looked up at the building getting close I noticed a hilichurl camp near by but they weren't bothering me. That was until one of them walked closer and closer until it did notice me I quickly set the basket down an summoned my claymore as I saw them running at me clubs in hand. I ran at them to using my vision to strike them with electricity. I swung my weapon repeatedly the momentum making it easier to swing the large sword. I saw some pyro slimes 'Perfect' I thought as I continued to fight. I quickly dashed away to hit the slimes and overload them. I swung a electric attack at them and watched as the were flung back I then delivered the finishing blows to the hilichurls. I then saw the slimes hopping back towards me I swung at them again and backed up as they exploded. I put my weapon away and fixed my hair as I walked back to the road picked up my basket and hummed as I walked the last little distance to the inn.

I had finally arrived and walked across the wood to the elevator and quickly got on. Once it had stopped I got off and ran up the flight of stairs to the roof. I looked around for the yaksha but didn't see him I went up to the railing."Xiao? Are you here?" I looked around again then he appeared at my side. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes,"What is it you need Y/N?" He asked luke he didn't realize what day it is. I had the basket in my hands behind my back."Well since it's your birthday I brought you-" He cut me off,"I have no need for gifts." My facial expression changed to one of disappointment. He still had his eyes closed he opened one and saw my sadness,"I guess one from you wouldn't hurt." I immediately smiled and opened the basket picking up the flowers and handing them to him. I then picked up his wrapped present. He looked at the box then looked away with rosy cheeks."Open it!" I said excited for his reaction. He put the flowers back in the basket and grabbed the box from me. He carefully unwrapped it and it was a small box. He opened it and his eyes looked shocked and happy he. It was matching necklaces. He picked up one and handed it to me and I put it on as he put his on. I reached down,"There's also one more thing I said as I grabbed the cyan cloth I handed it to Xiao and smiled he untied the clothe and saw the container of almond tofu. He put everything back in the basket I was confused."How about we go somewhere else to finish all this." I nodded,"Ok like where?" He grabbed my hand,"Just follow me." I complied as I grabbed the basket.

Xiao told me to close my eyes I listened and thought about where he was taking me. He eventually stopped moving,"You can open your eyes." His voice sounded sweet and gentle. I opened my eyes and gasped we were standing near a waterfall since the moon had come out the moonlight glistened and reflected off the water. It was breath taking. It was quiet just the sounds of nature and the water. We sat on the grass and Xiao pulled out his almond tofu he also grabbed one of utensils I packed and took a bite."How does it taste?" He nodded,"Tatses great." I looked up at the moon,"The moon is pretty isn't it Xiao?" "Not as pretty as you." He said then immediately became embarrassed I don't think he processed that before he said it. I blushed and smiled,"Thank you. Also you're pretty to you know." He looked away with a red face I giggled then looked back at the sky. For a few moments we sat in a comfortable silence as Xiao ate his almond tofu.

Once he had put the container back he wrapped and arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we watched the stars. I took my eyes away from the sky and looked at Xiao and saw him......smiling?! I reacted a little dramatically,"Xiao you smiled!" He looked embarrassed like he had been caught committing a crime."N-no I wasn't you're just seeing things." He tried to deny it. "But Xiao you look so cute when you smile!" He looked away."You should smile more often it looks pretty on you." He mumbled something."What did you say?" He repeated louder,"I guess I'll smile more for you." I hugged him and he hugged back then we continued watching the stars."Thanks for the best birth day ever Y/N." Xiao said sweetly. "It's nothing it was nice to see you smile." He kissed my forehead we stayed like that watching the stars and enjoying being close. It was a nice time.

My inspiration for this oneshot was my amazing partner Anna<3

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