Chapter Twenty Five.

Start from the beginning

The British girl drove from the dojo to the Larusso home

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The British girl drove from the dojo to the Larusso home. The heat outside was increasing and it was one of the hottest days in California. She walked into the backyard with her heels clicking on the ground. "Sam, how do I make friends?" She asked and stopped herself when she saw the Miyagi-Dos sitting under a tree, looking like they were dying. "Uh. . ."

"Sydney, help. We're slowly melting away." Demetri called out, panting heavily.

Sydney looked over at Daniel. "What have you been doing?"

"Too much, apparently." The man responded. He walked down the path and she followed him. "All right, guys. Get up from under the tree. I's time to get to work."

The students struggled to get up, groaning and panting in the process. Sweat was glistening from their exposed arms and legs. Sydney felt like she needed a shower just by looking at them. "Hey, Mr. Larusso, it's like 100 degrees out. Can't we take it easy today?" Robby asked.

"Are you kidding? This heat was if a gift." Daniel denied.

"I'm not sure about that, Danny." Sydney said in disgust and waved her hand over her face.

"Today, you are going to experience Shochu Geiko."

They all looked confused. "Like the car insurance?" Chris asked.

Sydney snickered.

"Shochu Geiko is a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year." Daniel explained. "It's about pushing yourself to your limit. The fight isn't always gonna come when it's 75 degrees and breezy."

"Aren't we supposed to avoid fighting?" Sam asked.

"Sometimes you can't." Daniel replied. "Someday, the fight may come to you and I wanna make sure you're ready. So, today, we're gonna see what
Miyagi-Do is made of."

"That sounds terrifying." Sydney muttered.

Daniel glanced at her. "Syd, you have any plans today?"

She blinked. "Uh, Miguel's training and I don't have any friends besides Sam. So. . . no."

"Ouch." Demetri said offensively and Robby nodded in agreement.

She winced. "Sorry."

"Why don't you join us today, Sydney? You haven't trained with me in a long time." Daniel suggested.

They all looked shocked. "Sydney, you know karate?" Chris asked.

"Well, I'm not professionals like you lot but I may have. . . dabbled a little. But that was long time ago." She said and shook her head at Daniel.

He waved her off. "Non sense. You know this stuff like the back of your hand. I think you could learn some stuff today."

When Sydney was little, Daniel got her and Sam into karate. He wanted to turn Sam into a karate girl and since Sydney was always around, he wanted to train her as well. For a while she was good at it but she eventually grew out of it. Sydney had no interest in karate. Dancing was her profession.

"I'm not exactly dressed for kicks and punching." She said and motioned to her outfit that included a yellow dress and bright pink high heels.

"You can borrow my clothes." Sam chimed.

Sydney glared at her.

"See!" Daniel exclaimed. He smiled at her. "C'mon, just for a day. What do you say?"

Sydney went silent. Daniel smiled at her in hope that she would say yes. She looked at the others and they were silent, waiting for her answer. She sighed. "Okay, fine. I guess it won't hurt."

"Yes!" Daniel cheered.

"C'mon Syd." Sam said and the two walked back into the house, walking up to Sam's room. "Hey, what did you mean when you said how to to make friends?"

Sydney forgot about that. "Uh. . ."

Sam furrowed her brows. "Are you okay?"

They entered her room and Sam started looking through her drawers while Sydney sat on the bed. "Well, Miguel's also at the dojo and you're my best friend but you're always here training. When I don't have dance, I feel like I don't have anyone."

Sam looked over her shoulder. "You have plenty of friends. You have Moon."

She winced. "Moon and I haven't hung out in a while."

"What about that girl from your dance studio?"

"Sailor? She's not in a town right now. She's staying with her dad for a while,"  Sydney explained.  "She stays with him for week every month."

"Oh,"  Sam said and lightly nodded.  She paused in thought.  "I can't think of anyone else."

"Exactly!"  She exclaimed.  She sighed sadly.  "Am I that horrible?"

"No,  you're not,"  Sam said and took out a pile of clothes,  throwing them on the bed.  "You just don't get out and try to meet people.  You have me and Miguel and I think that you think that's enough."

The Brit frowned.  "Why can't that be enough?"

Sam smiled.  "It is for me."

Sydney smiled sweetly.  She loved Samantha Larusso.

"Okay,  now look through all of this."  Sam said and pointed to the pile of clothes.

Sydney started looking through the clothes and pulled a face.  "Oh,  Sammy,  I need to take you shopping!"

"That's why you don't have friends."


Don't worry Syd,  I'll be your friend  🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻

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Don't worry Syd,  I'll be your friend  🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻

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