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Mari/Marinette pov

I once walked the corridors of our palace. One chamber was ajar and the parents were talking to someone there. I stopped and listened. "We need to put someone inconspicuous at that school, someone who won't be noticed," said the father's voice. "but who? At this time, all high school students are just hanging out on those social networks," said the mother. "But if we don't put someone there, Princess Manon and possibly Princess Marinette could be in danger," an unfamiliar voice said to me. Dad sighed. "it's hopeless..." said the father. "And what if I go?" I burst into the room with joy. "Marinette, what did we tell you about eavesdropping?!" my mother scolded me. "Yes, sorry, but what if I went there in secret? everything would be fine, I promise." I asked hopefully, hoping he would say the word yes. "no" they both said at the same time. "w-what? Come on please, I've never been to school, you thought it was dangerous for me princess..and now I have a chance that no one will recognize me. Moreover, if someone wanted to attack me here in the palace, I won't be here and nothing will happen to me, please" I tried to persuade them. "well, you're probably right.. eh, well, well..," finally allowed the mother. "thank you, thank you so much!" I shouted. "but no one must find out!..." said the father. "I promise" I said. "we'll explain everything to you later, now we'll invent and design your costume," said mother.

My costume looked something like this: I had loose hair with red highlights, a black jacket with a green trim, pink jeans and beige ballet flats. It was a great costume! "And Marinette, don't forget to come up with a secret name that will hide your identity and tell no one, absolutely no one, that you are Marinette Dupan-cheng! Do you understand?! Call if something! And you have a furnished room, don't forget," said the mother. Then we went by limousine to the school, about a kilometer from the school so that no one could see me... so I walked about a kilometer to the school. I entered the school with a heavy backpack and a suitcase. "D-Hello, is anyone here?" I asked, and I guess you could tell how nervous I was. "You will probably be the new student to join us, right?" asked a lady. "Y-yes, I'm Marin-..Mari.. Cheng, yes, I'm Mari Cheng." I said nervously. "Oh sure, I'm Miss Bustier's teacher. It's quite late, everyone is already asleep or at least in their rooms, I'll show you your locker, and the room" said Miss Bustier and she showed me the locker and gave me the key from her, the number surprised me quite a bit, it was number 457 which is big enough. She also gave me the key to the room and led me there, where I already have a roommate, a certain Alya Césaire. The room was large, but actually it was a living room with a small kitchen and two rooms and a bathroom, of course. So fine. It was already half past twelve and Alya was probably already asleep and I had already left too.

In the morning my alarm went off at six and I got up, got dressed, combed my hair, brushed my teeth and unpacked a little more. I went to the living room kitchen and wanted to make breakfast. "What are you doing in my room?" she asked in amazement, probably Alya or whatever her name was. "I'm your new roommate, Máří Cheng, I arrived late at night, Miss Bustier told me that I should have a room here..." I said. "Okay, I'm Alya Césaire, blogger. Where did you actually move here from?" she said. "Well..Well.. from Shanghai! From China!" I said, mainly because my mother was born in Shanghai. "Ah, but you can speak French as if you were born here," she said. "Seriously? thank you" I said and wanted to go make breakfast. "What are you doing?" Alya asked. "well.. breakfast.." I said. "but breakfast is usually downstairs at seven o'clock, lunch at twelve o'clock and dinner at seven o'clock, the kitchen is only here for when you're hungry..." Alya said and laughed. "Ah, thank God, I can't cook..." I said and we started laughing. "Don't worry, you'll learn it, unfortunately we have cooking here once every 14 days, otherwise it's a work of art," said Alya. "Oh, I can't wait for the kitchen to explode again," I said and laughed. "How like again?" Alya asked. "Well, when I was about seven, I helped the cook cook a fruit cocktail as a surprise for my mother, but.. I can't use a blender somehow," I said and smiled. "With the cookbook?" she asked. "y-yeah! You know, at that time we would have been a rich family.." I said. "ah.. then it will be seven so come to breakfast," Alya said and we went down to the dining room.

We had scrambled eggs for breakfast. Alya and I sat at a table for four. After a while, a blond boy with green eyes came up to us. "can I sit here..." but before he could finish the sentence, a blonde came up to him. "No Adrienka, don't sit with them, you'll catch something, ridiculousness, yes, they have a lot of them, so come sit behind me," said the blonde and dragged him away. "Who was that?" I asked. "it was Adrien Agreste, the most popular boy in school, do you understand that you wanted to sit here?!..yeah and there it is.. it was Chloé, they never dated, but she acts as if they have been together since birth," said Alya. "Ah" I just said and went back to eating.

After class, I went to put my things in my locker, but Chloé came to me.

I hope you like the first chapter😊 and BTW no one cares that there is no princess in France.

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