Time in the Form of a Blanket

Start from the beginning

He couldn't find it in himself to care.

At least, not now. 

(He probably would regret it when she was a teenager, but he wasn't going to let his wife have the satisfaction of having her know what he knew was probably going to happen.)

Rain almost immediately curled into him, and Jay couldn't help but laugh slightly at the motion. After all, Nya did it without fail every single night for the past... God, probably since when they cuddled for the first time.

He grabbed the blanket on her bed and almost immediately froze. He had seen this blanket before. In all honesty, he had completely forgotten about it 2 years after Rain was born because he just... He just didn't seem to have time dealing with that when he was working long nights. He was disappointed in himself really. After all, this blanket was a staple of his and Nya's relationship. 

Where could she have gotten this?

Of course, he knew who gave it to her. He just couldn't believe that he didn't realize that she had it until now.

A sad smile appeared on his face when he traced the outline of the blanket. It was still just as soft as it was back in the day. It was weird in a way. Weird to feel like he lost something when he looked at the blanket. He knew that he was just reminiscing about what things were like before. 

But, if there was one person that he would have given the blanket to, of course it would have been his daughter. 

However, it didn't stop the consistent thoughts that were infiltrating his head.

It didn't stop the memories.


"You want to WHAT!?" Jay asked her, looking to the blanket on the couch and then to the TV and then to Nya all within the span of 20 seconds.

"I want to snuggle." Nya responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Jay .exe. had stopped working.

Really, he couldn't help himself. She had caught him completely off guard. They had only been officially dating for 2 weeks, and while they had spent all the time in the world together since then, he didn't realize that she wanted to do THAT. Well, he supposes that it shouldn't bother him. 

After all, couples snuggled each other all of the time.

Or at least, that has been what he has been told. Nya was his first girlfriend after all. He had no idea how any of this worked at all. He was just taking it day by day, hopefully doing it right. HE didn't quite know anymore, especially when she goes and asks him to do that.

"Are... Are you sure that you want to do that?" Jay asked her, his throat feeling incredibly dry while he slowly approached her.

"I did ask, didn't I?" Nya responded with a raised eyebrow.

Jay took a deep breath before sliding in next to her, his body tense as he looked around the room. He really didn't know what to do now that he was here, and that was freaking him out.

But... It would get easier after the first time.

Oh god, it better get better after the first time.

"Jay, relax. It's just me." Nya muttered, laying her head down on his chest.

Oh, yeah. 

That was right.

It was just her.

He sucked a breath forcibly through his mouth before wrapping an arm around her waist and focusing on the TV in front of him. As long as he focused on that, he would be able to control his breathing and his heart that felt like it was about to pound out of his chest and----

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