Time in the Form of a Blanket

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Day 4: September 4th

Prompt: Blanket 


Normally, he tried to forget about the bad things. Life was too short, at least in his opinion, to really focus on them too much.

But sometimes, the visions wouldn't go away.

He found that those days were the worst.

And he didn't really know what was wrong with him really. He was supposed to be the happy one, so for him to be struggling, it was hard. It was hard to not let everyone else know that he was having one of those days. 

But he didn't like to be a burden.

And it was something that amplified the minute that he became a Father.

"Daddy's sad." Rain's voice broke him out of his thoughts, and he looked towards her with a raised eyebrow and a tired smile.

"Don't worry about me Dewdrop. I am happy. I'm with one of my favorite people in the whole wide world." Jay responded, a yawn escaping him almost immediately after.

"But you're tired." Rain muttered with a yawn, coming to him and laying down on his chest, which caused his heart to burst in affection.

"I don't think I am the only one, you silly little goose." Jay poked her nose before another yawn escaped his lips.

It wasn't his fault really. He had a mission late last night, and Nya was coming over a cold, so he offered to go even though it was technically her turn to go. And it probably would have been finished earlier if it weren't for the fact that Lloyd thought it would be a good idea to just send him, Cole and Kai together unsupervised. 

The 3 of them together in a situation like that was always going to be a recipe for disaster.

"I just needed Daddy." Rain muttered, nestling her head into his chest and drifting off into a slumber.

He couldn't help but smile to himself as he kissed the top of her head and took her to her bedroom. He poked his head into their bedroom on the way and looked at Nya's struggled breathing while she coughed in her sleep. 

Welp, as he supposed, at least she was sleeping.

If anything else about their daughter was known, it appeared as though she shared just about everything with him. That, unfortunately, included his messy habits when it came to bedrooms. The number of times he swore while almost falling over to put Rain to bed was astounding. 

He really shouldn't be swearing in front of his daughter.

Especially when she was asleep.

She seemed to pick up on things that he did even better when she was asleep than when she was awake.

Nya would quite literally kill him if their 4-year-old daughter started dropping F bombs out of nowhere.

"Daddy?" Rain muttered tiredly as soon as he placed her on the bed.

"What is it, Dewdrop?" Jay asked her at once, a small smile on his face while he lowered himself to meet her eyes.

"Stay with me?" Rain begged, and Jay froze before he nodded and crawled into bed with her.

After all, he could never deny Rain of anything when she asked him.

Nya warned him repeatedly that Rain was going to end up spoiled because he couldn't.

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