Then and Now

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3 Years Ago...

Tears started running down my cheeks as I drove myself to Matts house.
All I needed right now was his warm confronting embrace ensuring me that everything was going to be fine.
That I wouldn't have to leave because of a stupid promotion my dad got.
That I wouldn't have to move miles away from him and my current life. That I wouldn't...

I knew that over thinking about the whole situation would make my psychological state a lot worse and that right now I was not functioning rightly.

I parked the car outside his house and without thinking or even sending a text message making known my presence I knocked on the door.

A couple of mimutes passed and nobody seemed to be interested in opening thaτ door for me.

He must be in the 'basement'

Of course! I thought to myself as I neared the small room hidden behind the house.
It was always a place to relax for Matt and usually our love nest, that's why I had a spare key .

I only heard the noises once I was inside

"Are you sure she's not gonna be here anytime soon?" A familiar voice echoed.

I was about to say something but a second voice stopped the urge I had immediately


"No, baby you have me all to yourself today, she's not gonna be near anytime soon"

Oh my.. it can't be..

Now I was sobbing silently, but didn't give a damn about the tears soaking my entire face. My breathing was hard by now but became even harder once I glanced inside the room the voices were coming from..


No! This is not my best friend, no!
But of course I had to be mistaken once again as her name came out of Matts mouth as a moan.
Lucy was beneath Matt in only her undergarments and Matts hand was stuck inside her panties.

Bearing to take no more, I ran outside the house throwing the spare key I was so tightly holding on the floor.

I was now shaking but a strong desire to leave rushed through me like a thunder.

Suddenly the idea of leaving it all behind seemed perfect to me...


"Bitch , it's on me tonight! You girls are leaving tommorow and I wont be seeing you till Christmas. So suck it up and drink it up"

Jonas shouted and I was hardly able to hear him because of the loud music.
It was way past my curfew but..well.. who gives a damn?
In a matter of seconds another shot of vodka was making its way inside my system.

I was lucky my gay best friend was sober enough to drive cause in any other case I don't think that Rose and myself would be able to reach home in one piece.
I was feeling dizzy. That's all I could realise once I stepped foot on my doorstep. It was now four in the morning and I could barely remember my address and my last name..

Luckily I was only left with a note and not the lecture I was expecting.

"You're lucky it's your last day here , missy. Be up by eleven tomorrow your flight leaves at 4 "

After pouring my stomach out I was finally settled under the warm covers waiting for tomorrow morning.


I was the first one to choose Cincinati University but Rose soon followed my lead.
We both had decided our major would be in History so here we were, having to fly miles away from my house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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