ENZO 05:14pm: Yes.

ISRAEL 05:17pm: Try and search for a shack. It'll start to get dark soon. The first thing you should do is search for a shelter or a safe place to stay in, maybe someone's living there.

ENZO 05:21pm: Nothing. No shack, no buildings, no houses. This part of the woods appears to be secluded. I don't think anyone's residing here.

ISRAEL 05:27pm: Then, what are you gonna do?

ENZO 05:33pm: I'll try and walk down the road. There might be a highway in the far end if I'm lucky.

ISRAEL 05:37pm: Okay, beep me up when something came up. Take care of yourself.

ISRAEL 05:54pm: Hey, any update?

ENZO 05:57pm: How unmanly for me to say this, but I'm scared.

ISRAEL 06:04pm: Why? What happened?

ENZO 06:12pm: I stopped in the midst of my walk. The ground kept shaking for almost six minutes now. Is there an earthquake?

ISRAEL 06:21pm: What do you mean? No unexpected occurrence is happening here right now. Maybe a landslide occurred nearby your place?

ENZO 06:26pm: Maybe . . .

ENZO 06:31pm: The shaking finally stopped, should I keep going?

ISRAEL 06:34pm: Yes, I think you should. Just be aware of your surrounding.

ENZO 06:40pm: Okay. I can't see anything now. I only have my phone as my flashlight.

ISRAEL 06:44pm: Be safe. I texted your Mom saying you decided to stay over for the night so she won't be worried. You owe me big time.

ENZO 06:47pm: I will. Thanks, man.

ISRAEL 07:17pm: Yo, anything new?

ENZO 07:24pm: This place is odd. I kept passing by on this weird sign saying, "Memento mori."

ENZO 7:25pm: I don't know if there are tons of it or I'm not moving in place.

ENZO 7:26pm: I can't be going in circles, can I?

ISRAEL 07:27pm: Are you sure? Try and leave something by the sign and see if you really aren't going anywhere.

ENZO 07:32pm: Alright. I left my wallet near it.

ISRAEL 07:54pm: So?

ENZO 08:08pm: I'm hiding behind the trees. I think, I just saw something crawling from a distance.

ISRAEL 08:11pm: Was it a snake? Don't be such a coward, just keep on walking.

ENZO 08:13pm: It doesn't look like an average snake to me. Pretty big. Tho, it's barely visible through the dense fog.

ISRAEL 08: 15pm: What? How?

ENZO 08:22pm: It's so huge with tons of legs. Seems like it's standing up to 20 feet tall, like a giant centipede.

ENZO 08:29pm: I'm struggling to breath. I'm panicking.

ENZO 08:35pm: Fuck, he saw me!

ISRAEL 08:36pm: Run, Enzo!

ENZO 08:59pm: My knees are getting weak and they're starting to gave way. I don't know if he's still following me, but I don't have the courage to look behind.

ISRAEL 09:11pm: Keep running. I'm in my car. I'm driving to the nearest police station to go and get help. Just hang in there.

ENZO 09:14pm: What? No! They would report me to my parents, they're not supposed to find out!

ISRAEL 09:17pm: What do you want me to do, then? I can't just lay comfortably on my bed while you're running for your life.

ISRAEL 09:29pm: Enzo?

ENZO 09:46pm: Bro, I don't know how I should be perceiving things right now.

ENZO 09:49pm: I broke him off his trail, I think. But, I came back to the place where I left my wallet.

ENZO 09:50pm: I saw a naked woman holding it. I waved at her to ask for help but when she turned around, I saw her body with pieces of flesh had been cut away from her thighs and breast.

ENZO 09:51pm: It looks like a zombie. I'm scared.

ISRAEL 09:52pm: Fuck.

ENZO 09:53pm: I'm running in the opposite direction now.

ENZO 09:54pm: I'm not going anywhere. I don't think I'll still be able to leave this place.

ENZO 09:56pm: I don't think I'll make it. Please, tell mom and dad I love them.

ISRAEL 10:02pm: Stfu, bro. You ain't dying on me, you hear that? At least, try to put those remaining hopes together and work with me.

ENZO 10:09pm: I'm trying to calm myself down but this place is freaking me out. What should I do?

ISRAEL 10:11pm: Keep going.

ISRAEL 10:13pm: If that place is not allowing you to keep moving forward, it's good that you took the opposite direction and turn back. Go back to the place where you took a short cut.

ENZO 10:14pm: Will that work?

ISRAEL 10:15pm: I don't know, but let's hope for the best.

ENZO 10:18pm: Alright.

ISRAEL 10:27pm: Hey, what happened?

ISRAEL 10:32pm: Were you able to leave?

ISRAEL 10:45pm: Respond. I'm worried.

ENZO 10:47pm: Bro, you can't believe this. I can finally see the highway from where I took the shortcut. I can finally leave! You're a genius.

ISRAEL 10:49pm: That's great! Tell me where the place is, I'll come and fetch you.

That was the end of their conversation. Unfortunately, at the time Israel reached Enzo's place, he was nowhere to be found. Israel reported the case of his friend to the police and later on was branded as a missing person, stirring rumors that he was kidnapped on his way out. Others believed he was murdered by someone who he fought with.

The only trace they have of Enzo was his phone that was left exactly at the location where Enzo texted Israel where he is, and they saw a message that was failed to send at exactly 11:11pm saying, "To whoever finds this message, it only means they finally got me. This is the only thing that remains. Stay away from this place, they're many."

The next day, they tried to run down the road where Enzo took a shortcut, but like a grim nightmare, those who went in never came back.

Note to self: Don't do it, you son of aWhere stories live. Discover now