Enter: Yuuhi Kurenai

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When Nezuko woke up, she was grateful that she didn't have another terrible flashback, but she was also confused when she saw the old man ('Hokage she had to remind herself.) and another beautiful woman with bright red eyes and messy black hair beside him. 

"Ah, so you've awakened. Nezuko, this will be your new caretaker, Yuuhi Kurenai." the woman offered a small yet comforting smile, that unconsciously made Nezuko smile in return. This woman already reminded her of Lady Tamayo and her Mother. Nezuko shook her head to get off memory lane before she got stuck again.

"Kurenai, you will inform me immediately of anything strange that may happen." Kurenai nodded dutifully as the Hokage left the room. "I'll pick you up tomorrow when you're discharged,"  she said, and, to Nezuko's shock and awe, disappeared into beautiful pink petals.

'I need to learn that.' She thought, her mind replaying the scene over and over. Nezuko, unable to sleep and determined to learn about this new world, started by asking the nurse for basic books on Shinobi, as the Hokage called them. While reading, she learned about something called chakra, something every, or almost every, shinobi has. 

Other things she learned were the history of the village (the nurse personally recommended it.), some of the clans within the village, and their bloodline abilities. What intrigued her the most were the two most noble and most powerful, the Hyuuga and the Uchiha, and the "Lazy Geniuses" of the leaf, the Nara. Nezuko faced many demons in her past life, but not one of them had control of their shadow, but that might be because they didn't go into the sun.

Nezuko shook her head of her useless thoughts.

Currently, Nezuko was reading a book on all the previous Hokage and their abilities. Each one was so amazing in their own right! The first Hokage was able to fight a powerful beast along with his former friend that's just as strong as him! Nezuko didn't think she could fight her friends and family, let alone kill them, so soon after betrayal. 

She was so invested in their stories that she didn't feel all the eyes watching her as she normally would. 

Location: Hokage Tower- Hokage's Office

The Hokage silently watched as Nezuko read the book in awe at everything, along with several Jonin and ANBU. After one of his ANBU reported how she came out of nowhere and learned that she 'doesn't remember' anything, he watched her after his visits to see if she was a threat. So far, his discoveries lead to the exact opposite. 

"Lord Hokage, I believe it's safe to say that this girl will not bring harm to the village." Kurenai, the newest appointed Jonin amongst them, said respectfully. Cutting his chakra from the ball, the old man leaned back in his chair as relief took over him. He has made too many mistakes and he wasn't about to let this be another one.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that Konoha isn't in any immediate danger. Now, onto the topic of Genin Teams." The Hokage said seriously. The ANBU flew into their respective place in the tower while the Jonin stood and waited for his instruction. 

"Kurenai," the woman straightened up, "I want you to try taking on a Genin team soon now that you're no longer a Special Jonin." Kurenai, though there was doubt in her eyes, nodded dutifully. "I also want you to supervise Nezuko personally should she become a shinobi. " Surprise was evident in every Jonin's face, including one who was half-heartedly listening while reading his 'Make-paradise!' book. No one said a word, though.

"Hai, Hokage-sama." Responded the Genjutsu Mistress.

Timeskip: Next Day

Current date: October 9th

Nezuko adjusted her checkered obi while making sure she wasn't forgetting anything. She was finally discharged after two unnecessary days of staying in the hospital. The kind nurse braided Nezuko's hair so it wouldn't be a hassle. Since her hair was shorter since she was eight, the braid was a little short, but it was helpful nonetheless.

As excited as she was, Nezuko was nervous as well. The lady looked nice and her aura felt strong, but Nezuko has lived in a world where lies and deception could cause many misfortune and even casualties, so a part of her was always cautious. 

Nezuko swallowed her doubt as she made her way to the front, seeing her new guardian, the old man Hokage, and some other people she hasn't seen yet. One of the unknown people had almost his whole face covered and was reading a book. Another one was smoking, Nezuko frowns at that, and the third one was a girl with a dango stick hanging in her mouth, talking with Kurenai.

"Ah, Nezuko, I hope you didn't get lost on your way here." The old man said, and suddenly all the attention was on her. Nezuko couldn't help but shrink a little under the numerous gazes. It was times like this when she would love her brown haori, but unfortunately, it didn't crossover worlds with her.

"Y'know Kurenai, when you said you'd be taking care of a squirt, I imagined something smaller that looked less mature." The purple-haired woman said. Suddenly, the woman crouched and stared Nezuko right in the eye, and Nezuko did the same, though it was out of confusion and a bit of nervousness. 

"Anko, stop it." The white-haired man finally spoke, though his eyes never left the book. Kurenai took that as a cue to pull Anko back by the collar, causing her to whine like a child. Nezuko just stood there dumbfounded. "Nezuko," Kurenai spoke up, causing her to snap out of her confused state. "This is my friend Anko," the woman grinned, "And my superiors, Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi Asuma." The white-haired man acknowledged her with a hum, eyes still now leaving the book, and the cigarette man, well former cigarette man since Kurenai took that moment to snatch the cigarette out his mouth, and lazily waved at her.

Nezuko quickly bowed down in respect. "Nice to meet you two," she said respectfully. Kurenai chuckled when the two men just looked at her dumbly. "You're very polite for your age," Kakashi said thoughtfully. The Hokage hummed in agreement.

The moment was cut off when a nurse came rushing in. "Hokage-sama! The Uchiha boy is out of control!" All the adults suddenly looked serious as the Hokage was led down by the nurse. "Nezuko, we'll continue this later," Kakashi said as he disappeared down the hall with Asuma on his trail. Nezuko was once again confused. Continue what exactly? And what was wrong with the Uchiha kid? 

Kurenai, who seemed to sense Nezuko's confusion and worry, put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry too much, everything should be fine." She said. Nezuko was grateful, but she also caught on to the doubt in her caretaker's voice too. She chose to not speak on it.

"Let's just get you into your new place and sleep our worries off," Kurenai spoke, leading Nezuko out of the hospital. Nezuko just followed her to her new home as she tried to push all her worries down. She could only hope it wasn't as bad as it sounded.


Status: Unedited

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