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"And we have a go for all the sequence start. Discovery arm board computers have finally control of all the vehicles critical functions. T minus 15 seconds and counting."

I was strapped in my backs with Leonov while we wait for the countdown to finish. My eyes remains fixated on the glass, patiently waiting for the lift. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the launch.

"..5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1."

As the main engines light, the whole vehicle rumbles and strains to lift off the launch pad. I took a hold of the bar to lessen the shakiness, feeling the rocket leaving the planet like a paper plane being blown by the wind.

"Loose the ignition and lift off of the NRJ-278 discovery. Returning to the space station; aiming the way to future missions beyond."

The satellite onboard begins to leave the launch pad under its own power. And finally, the spacecraft lifted off, beginning its journey to space. The earth is growing and growing smaller each time our vehicle distances itself from the planet's surface.

I still can't believe that out of all crew member of a spacecraft, me and Leonov are the one's who got pick to navigate the vehicle outside the Earth's atmosphere. Though, it's just an 11-day trip, still, we're honored.

"Astronaut Venexe, this is Astronaut Leonov. How is space so far?" I suddenly heard my friend's voice on the device attached on my helmet. There is internet on the ISS, so I have a chance to communicate with him even without taking my suit off. Thanks to the radio waves.

I giggled at the thought that he's just sitting beside me, yet, we talk like we're miles apart. "It's fantastic, Astronaut Leonov. This is so awesome." The lace of glee is visible on my tone.

"Really?" he scoffed. I could imagine the small pout appearing on his lips. "Well, not for me. You get to spacewalk later while I stay here on the spacecraft, where's the justice in that?"

Leonov and I were closed ever since we met on the Astronauts Candidate Training Program. He's the only person I get the chance to expose my childishness without being judged, same goes to him with me.

I chuckled after hearing the hint of envy. "You're way too dramatic. Have you forgotten that you're the Pilot Astronaut while I'm the Mission Specialist? Your job is to fly the shuttle and command missions, while I conduct experiments and perform any necessary spacewalks."

"But, it's not fair." Wow, is he really throwing tantrums right now? Are we supposed to argue about this, now that we're in space?

"Oh, come on, Leonov. For once, be happy for me. You know how much I love this." I pursed my lips. How I badly wanted to strangle him, but leaving my seat at this moment is still a bad idea.

"Who says I'm not?" I can visualize his grin. "This might be the last day I'll get to talk to you, so I'm happy. Who knows, you might get suck by a black hole during your spacewalk," he joked out.

I feel like it's a wrong choice to tell him how much I'm curious about the black hole. Maybe, one of the reasons why I agreed to their proposal is because: I wanted to study all about it outside of Earth. Or, maybe, I was so giddy that time and excited that I might encounter a black hole. And, maybe, I may get the chance to travel around its surface.

I rolled my eyes, rolling my tongue at the inside of my cheeks in annoyance. "Not funny."

I can hear his laughter from the other line. If only the device on the helmet isn't necessary at all, I have removed it for a couple of minutes now because of Leonov. "Can't take a joke?"

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