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Flying cars flitting in the air, jetpacks run by perpetual energy soaring high in the clouds, robots doing your homeworks and household chores, time machines, Artificial Intelligence, self-driving cars, maybe this is the place we have lived in, in books. But, in reality? Well . . .

In 2370, the world became a highly digital life to live on and the development of the technologies became the new normal. It was the period where everyone’s privileged to be living in a time where science now runs in the blood. The era they called, “Science Fact” world.

Year 2990, humans figured out how to stop human aging and extend life indefinitely. With this consumption, the population began to rise than the actual carrying capacity of Earth. Birth after birth, over millions of children were born every day. And with that, money became short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry.

To keep the surplus of the population in check, they forbid people below a certain income bracket to have more than one child. Those who were diagnosed pregnant for the second child even with a forced birth control will have the mother electrocuted.

Not only that, the government doesn’t distribute equality among men. The jobs of hundreds of people have been made obsolete due to artificial intelligence. In contrary, justice and fairness wasn’t serve as opportunities are only presented to the rich in a silver platter while the poor can’t even afford to buy a single spoon for themselves.

In this case, the rich lives and the poor dies with no proper mourning. As the poverty reached its peak, the government began hiring people to work inside a Pharmaceutical Company who hire humans as test subject in drug trials. Mens get their bodies surgically-modified into an artificial body or a robot, children were locked up inside blank walled rooms into a drug-induced sleep and record their dreams, women’s were rats for experimented herbal medicines made from artificial plants, and babies that the mothers can’t support were cared inside an artificial womb.

Year 3000, the death of humanity. The point where the law is just a word written in a dictionary and not a mandate book to be adhered. Humans act like animals. It was violence to violence.

The world population of over 15 billion people as of 3000 causes additional strains on resources, leading to scarcity that triggered an increase in violence and political unrest. Wars were born to fight over all resources they could get as the global population grows even larger.

With the rise in criminal behavior in order to meet basic needs and numerous backlashed against government authorities, they have come to their inhumane punishment. Cruel than the Purge, the world was ravaged by crimes and all activities even the heinous ones became legal. It’s kill or be killed.

As they reach their desired forced disappearance in the population, the government erased all the memories of every human, collected all the datas and sold them to the highest bidders.

How are the Government officials not jailed by legalizing this? Well, they brainwashed everyone into thinking that it’s just a mere Universalism in which bad actions are good regardless of circumstances because they believe: THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.

No one was in favor with that. With this, everyone had their brains planted with a wireless microchip so the government can record everything they do and it’s mandatory. Neither way, their body doesn’t have the capacity to reject it as the implant fuses naturally to the human’s tissue since it mimics their neuron properties.

A raft of technologies also invented bionic iris in place for ordinary eyes so they could see every person’s whereabouts. Privacy? It’s no longer a right. Any action that turn ones back against the higher ups were drastically killed in their sleep.

There were no pity even for the little girl who intentionally stabbed a fork in her eyes that rendered her bilaterally blind saying the unicorn in her cybernetic-ally generated cornea was giving her nightmares. The effect on the little child spreads like a wildfire.

In 3020, the prediction was right. History is just repeating itself. Another virus that evolves more rapidly than the novel pathogens that have devastated humans decades ago came knocking down Earth. Viruses such as Zika virus, Ebola and COVID-19 that originated in animals before being passed to humans, the new discovered flesh-eating airborne virus known as SF kills more than a million each week.

The virus was so deadly and anyone who gets infected had their skins turning into purple and tissues eating itself. Zombie virus, as what they say. After two years with over four billion people who died from the global pandemic, the government held by United States (who stayed as the top among world countries, because, apparently, all poor remained poor) released a hybrid robot made using stem cells — a really small in particular to be injected in the veins so it will heal specific areas requiring medicine.

With only 5 billion people left in the world population, the Government filled up the gap with replicas of Al Robots who were first released in 2045 after the invention achieve human levels of intelligence. They call it the “BTH Robots” or the Better-Than-Human Robots.

Years later, BTH Robots were diagnosed ill-suited for the natural world. But, as they beg them to just shut down themselves, they slapped humans with the idea that they were only invented as a runaway process by accident to do the job for them. The Scientists settled too much with the idea that they weren't made with cognitive skills to execute complex actions, but the robots weren't made with intelligence that falls short — they're smart enough to automate themselves.

They couldn't control them which means they won't be able to brace themselves for what's about to happen. This could only be seen in SciFi books and movies, but now they're living in the reality. It was not Science Fiction, it was Science Fact. It was the end of the world.

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